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  • microRNAs

    This collection of recent papers from Nature and other NPG journals highlights developments in microRNA biology and effects on gene regulation. As the first microRNA-based drug achieves human proof-of-concept, the potential for creating powerful medicines targeting microRNAs becomes a reality. These papers further link microRNA dysregulation to disease pathogenesis and may provide new targets for the treatment of diabetes and obesity, vascular diseases and cancer therapies.

    Image credit: Nik Spencer


    Access the reprint collection free online for six months.

  • Leaping lizards!

    High-speed video footage of leaping lizards supports a 40-year-old hypothesis about how theropod dinosaurs, like the velociraptors of Jurassic Park fame, adjusted the angle of their tails to stay stable when jumping.

    Image credit: Thomas Libby, Evan Chang-Siu and Pauline Jennings


    Access the Nature video.

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