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Usability Week 2012 training courses
> New York City: Feb. 26 – March 2
> Las Vegas: March 11-16 (includes 3-Day Camp)
> Edinburgh: March 19-23
> San Francisco: April 2-7
> Amsterdam: April 23-27
> Washington, DC: May 14-18

Tweets from the conferences


Services are offered world-wide, and can be customized to meet your needs:


Books, reports, training video

Full list of reports and usability guidelines >

Paper prototyping: a how-to video (40 minute Blu-Ray/DVD)

About Nielsen Norman Group

Nielsen Norman Group is headquartered in Silicon Valley, with offices in five additional locations throughout the United States. Services are provided world-wide.

The members of Nielsen Norman Group are user experience pioneers...they advocated user-centered design and usability before it became popular to do so.

The company's principals: Jakob Nielsen, Don Norman, and Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini Jakob, Don, Tog   Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D.
"The Guru of Web Page Usability" (New York Times)
Donald A. Norman, Ph.D.
"The Guru of Workable Technology" (Newsweek)
Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini
"Leading Authority on Software Design" (HotWired)

Nielsen Norman Group Members >

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TabTimes interviews Jakob Nielsen about tablet usability & the Kindle Fire

ClickZ interviews Jakob Nielsen about Usability for Mobile Sites and Apps

Consumer Electronics Net interviews Don Norman: Nice Gesture, But What Does It Mean?

WYBC Yale Radio interviews both Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman: 42 minutes radio show

Don Norman has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. The citation reads "For development of design principles based on human cognition that enhance the interaction between people and technology."

The Daily Telegraph interviews Jakob Nielsen about iPad usability

BusinessWeek lists the world's 28 most influential design "movers and shakers", which include Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman

The Irish Times interviews Don Norman about design ecosystems

TIME Magazine: Why We Look at Some Web Ads and Not Others

MIT Sloan Management Review: Designing Waits That Work

USA Today on our mobile usability research

BusinessWeek asks Jakob Nielsen about Twitter

Dwell has Don Norman review the psychology of water faucet design

CNN asks Don Norman about designing for accessibility

BBC reports from our London conference

Intranet Journal interviews Kara Pernice about the year's top-10 intranets has an in-depth interview with Don Norman

The Guardian on why looks the way it does

BusinessWeek profiles Tog in a series on Apple design pioneers, including cute photos of 8 designers

BBC on changes in Web usability in the last decade

The Guardian reports from our London conference

USA Today on our eyetracking studies

Don Norman was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal

BusinessWeek interviews Jakob Nielsen about the Unwieldy Web

Ecommerce Guide interviews Tog about how to improve sales online

CNN asks Jakob Nielsen about search and answers

Sydney Morning Herald reviews our research on email newsletters

The Guardian on Don Norman's emotional design

BBC interviews Nielsen about information pollution, Norman about emotional design, and Tog about magic and interface design

TED talk on emotion & design (12 min. video w. Don Norman)

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