17 Countries. 343 Days. 6237 Photographs.

Author: Don Martelli
Published: January 06, 2012 at 6:31 am

The world is a beautiful place. Many of us live in bubbles and keep within the confines of confortability, i.e. traveling infrequently and to places you're familiar with.

Sometimes, however, there are those among us who step outside the norm and explore. They explore the world around them. Sometimes, they share those adventures in photos and videos. And, then there are times that adventures are told in 6,237 photographs, spanning 343 days and 17 countries.

Here is that adventure:


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Article Author: Don Martelli

Known on the social web as “BigGuyD,” Don Martelli is just a dad, moonlighting as a digital marketer, photog and civilian journalist. He's the executive editor for Technorati. Connect with him at www.donmartelli.com.

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