6 On-Page SEO Strategies That’ll Boost Your Rankings

by Neil Patel

seo board

If you’ve been around the SEO world for any amount of time, then you are probably pretty familiar with the basics of SEO. You know to do good keyword research and you have to do on-page optimization.

Sometimes, though, that on-page optimization can go to a deeper level than just making sure your meta tags are filled out… and you can go to that deeper level without having to be a veteran SEO.

Here’s how:

Tactic #1: Search for synonyms using Google

The use of synonyms in creating an SEO plan for your blog or website is pretty common. Finding those synonyms is not always easy or done properly.

I think the best way to search for these terms is to use Google. The reason is you get to see not only the synonyms but how they are ranking in competitors pages.

To search for synonyms on Google simply put the tilde symbol (~) before your search term. Here’s what it looks like if I search for synonyms using “~small budget marketing.”

google synonyms

This is actually how I looked up the terms I used in the internal links section to find synonyms for by web page.

If you want to look up synonyms without the phrase in the results, do this: “~ + phrase – phrase.”

This will give you synonyms without returning back your original search phrase. You can then take these keywords, integrate them within your copy where it flows smoothly and organically. By using synonyms within your content you’ll notice that you start ranking your website for more relevant long tail keywords.

Tactic #2: Link to high authority sites

We all know that links from high authority sites are important. They tell the search engines that your site can be trusted because a high authority site is linking to it.

What is a high authority site? There are the information/content high authority sites like Boing Boing, CNN, Drudge or Huffington Post. As well as other forms like DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, and even .edu and .gov sites.

A link from these sites tells search engines that you can be trusted.  But did you know that an external links going out to these high authority sites can boost your SEO?

When search engines crawl your site and see a link and follow it to CNN or Huffington Post, they weight it as a positive. The trick is to find organic ways to link to these sites, like I did in this post.

Adding them into an anchor text will make them even more natural. For example, if “getting a link from CNN can crash your servers” was a link… with that link going to the specific CNN page… that would be very natural external link.

By adding these authority links to your website it shows search engines that your website can be related to these high authority sites.

Tactic #3: Pay attention to sentiment search signals

Even though it is an emerging science, the idea of search engines paying attention to the mood, emotions and attitudes of web content can’t be ignored.

What exactly is sentiment?

If I get to a page about a motorcycle part and I am like, “God, not only is this well written, it’s kind of funny. It’s humorous. It includes some anecdotes. It’s got some history of this part. It has great photos. Man, I don’t care at all about motorcycle parts, and yet, this is just a darn good page. What a great page. If I were interested, I’d be tweeting about this, I’d share it. I’d send it to my uncle who buys motorcycles. I would love this page.” That’s what you have to optimize for. It is a totally different thing than optimizing for did I use the keyword at least three times? Did I put it in the title tag? Is it included in there? Is the rest of the content relevant to the keywords?

So, if you want to produce healthy results, then here are some things you can do:

  • Reviews – Search engines are looking at product reviews to gauge the feelings of the content, plus all of the on-page content. This means, however, that large response to content, whether by actual recommendations or a vote, will carry more weight. This may seem out of your control, which it is, but in reality you can use this information to make your product or content better.
  • Content – Stay on top of the ever-changing landscape of what search engines view as relevant content. For example, for the longest time searchable content was limited to text. That’s beginning to change as search engines are discovering ways to define video content.
  • Context – Search engines are also learning how to figure out the meaning of content by its environment, asking questions like “Was the response to the video positive or negative?” “Were the tweets in response to the video good or bad?”
  • Personality – You must make the content on the page feel like a warm blooded human being with a funny bone wrote it. Or someone who is constantly angry. In other words, it must show it was written by a likable person and not a machine.

This technique is pretty advanced and does require sentiment analysis software.

Tactic #4: Give Google fresh content on a web page

We know that search engines like fresh content. And we know that pushing out fresh content on a daily basis builds traffic and drives leads to our door. That’s why we spend so much time creating new blog posts.

But don’t forget about the fresh content on a single page. That in its self is a signal to search engines that you’ve updated a page, and quite possibly will continue to update the page, so they’ll visit more often.

And if they visit more often, the more trust you get and hopefully the higher rankings to go along with that. If you don’t update often the spiders will extend the time between visits.

Just take a look at Wikipedia… their entries dominate the rankings. Most of their pages are updated frequently.

Another thing you can do is include a Twitter update on your home page. Or a list of recent comments or the top commenters:

top commentors

The popular posts widget can do the trick, too:

top posts

For non-home pages, you can freshen up the content by adding to the story through updates, more statistics, a growing portfolio of projects, case studies, or even comments.

This works well by identifying a handful of pages as your strong link worthy pages, and then mapping out a strategy to update them on a regular basis. You should try to update these pages at least a few times a month.

Tactic #5: Use Dublin Core metadata elements

The jury is still out whether if and how much search engines give weight to keywords in metadata. Most experts agree that you should add keywords to your metadata just in case. And it is important that your keywords match throughout your metadata, from title to description, in order not to get punished. The same with using Dublin Core metadata.

Dublin Core is an open source movement started in Dublin, OH, and created to help prepare content for discovery for the future of the web, namely the semantic web.

Using Dublin Core metadata, the theory goes, is that maybe search engines look at this code as an extra step that the content creator is taking to make their content as relevant as possible to a particular search.

The other benefits of Dublin Core include that:

  • It can help with some internal search engines.
  • It can help with your SEO efforts.
  • It is easy to implement.
  • It does not bloat your code.

To install Dublin Core metadata to your website is easy. You place it in your HTML header of your page… that is within the <head> right after you add the normal HTML data.

Here’s what it looks like:


<link rel=”schema.DC” href=”http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/”>

<meta name=”DC.title” content=”SEO with Dublin Core”>

<meta name=”DC.description” content=”How to embed Dublin Core metadata in a web page to provide a  standards-based approach to search engine optimization (SEO) that complements HTML metadata.”>

<meta name=”DC.subject” content=”seo dublin core,  seo dublin core tips, search engine optimization with dublin core”>

<meta name=”DC.language” scheme=”ISO639-1″ content=”en”>


If you want help adding it to XML and XHTML code, head to the SEO with Dublin Core page. By the way, you should test your SEO efforts against a baseline to determine any benefits when using Dublin Core on your site. Don’t just take my word.

Tactic #6: Define content absolutely

If you do a search for “Dublin Core,” the first four search results are for dublincore.org. The fifth is for Wikipedia.

dublin core

If you do a search for “meta data,” the Wikipedia entry is at the top.

meta data

Search for the word “strategy,” and the top three results are from Wikipedia and two dictionary sites:


This simple little demonstration shows you what’s called “relevance authority.” Search engines view these sites and their pages for the keywords as dead-on matches for the keywords.

Why is that?

It’s because the entire page is geared to defining the keywords. The lesson for you is to get into a habit of creating pages that “define” keywords like authority sites like Dictionary.com and Wikipedia does.

It will be difficult to compete against these authority sites with competitive terms, but with less competitive terms it will be easy to rank high.


Using these on-page optimization tactics will give your current tactics a boost and help you gain better rankings in the search engines. So give them a try… they are actually pretty easy to implement.

What other on-page optimization tactics do you recommend using?

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{ 102 comments… read them below or add one }

techiestuffs January 6, 2012 at

Yet again classic post…I really like the Top Authorities Linkback Trick…Thank you


Neil Patel January 7, 2012 at

Awesome, let me know how it works for you.


Jon January 6, 2012 at

1. The other thing I’d like to add is the visual display of your web page. Needs to look good, even if there isn’t any pics. Cleanliness, not clutter – its all about positive user experience

2. Fast page load is important for on page optimiz


Peter Serven January 6, 2012 at

Agree on both of these. Page speed is important!


Neil Patel January 7, 2012 at

Yep, both points are important.


Neil Patel January 7, 2012 at

I agree, those points are both good. Thanks you your additional input.


Adam Hoeksema January 6, 2012 at

Interesting point in #2. It makes a lot of sense to link to high authority sites, but I have not done that very often. I will definitely start to look for natural ways to include high authority websites in my blog posts.



Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Yep, you should definitely try and do that. Let me know how it works out for you.


Michael @ YasTech Web Design January 6, 2012 at

These are 6 tips that just don’t show up anywhere else. All other posts are about plugging your title, headings and content full of keywords. These are super relevant tips that might give someone an edge over the competition. Thanks!


Natalie January 6, 2012 at

I agree. It was interesting to see new things and not the sub standard material that is bounded around elsewhere


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the support. Glad you found these tips helpful. :)


Mike Wilton January 6, 2012 at

Interesting insight Neil. I had never heard of Dublin Core Metadata. From what I am reading it doesn’t seem like Google supports this? What sort of impact have you personally seen this have on SEO efforts?

As for other on-page tactics I’d recommend, I definitely think using semantic markup on SMB websites is key if you are trying to target your local audience. Marking up your address and phone number and making them prominent can greatly strengthen your efforts.


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

I heard some people say they support it and other saying they don’t… so I am not 100% sure. As for rankings, I haven’t seen any specific stats that break down the impact yet. :(


Matt Saunders January 6, 2012 at

Thanks Neal! Question, Are images linked to high authority sites just as effective as basic text links?


Jon January 6, 2012 at

this all depends on where the image is placed on page & which page –
other factors:-
a.the page authority (most sub pages are lower than the homepage)
b. number of existing links in content, being first is best.


Peter Serven January 6, 2012 at

I have also heard that you should shoot for no more then 1 link per 200 words.


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

Huh, I have never heard about that before. I’ll have to look into it.


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

Very helpful tips, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject.


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

From what I have seen text links are more effective.


Ryan January 6, 2012 at

Google hot trends and Market Samurai are great tools for SEO and marketing!


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Yep, they definitely are. I hope you find them useful!


Edgar January 6, 2012 at

going to try the external link tactics.

thanks Neil


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Great, let me know how it works out for you.


vicky sadhu January 6, 2012 at

Point #2 is just amazing..i used it long ago on my blogspot blog, and with in small amount of post..i got PR 2!! Thanks for Giving Classic post again and again!


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thank you Vicky,

It is always good to stick with what works as well as try new things!


Joel Libava January 6, 2012 at


Thanks a lot.

Never knew what that do-hickey was called. (Tilde)

A question:

Should I make high authority outbound links nofollow or follow?

The Franchise King®


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

Keep those links as “follow”.


UH2L Patel January 6, 2012 at

Great advice. Now I just have to find time to implement the tips. One other trick I figured out is to give image files names that are related to what’s in the image. I’ve gotten a lot of image hits to my blog photo album by doing this.

For instance, Google “1997 saab 900S” and the second image is a picture I took of my car interior. And I only have a Google Page Rank of 3.



Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thanks, happy to hear you liked it. Definitely try and make time to do so! Cool tip, thanks for sharing it with everyone.


Stan January 6, 2012 at

Thanks for reminding us to blog and also update pages. I’ve been too random on a lot of this. I plan to set tasks in Outlook to better schedulize my updates. That way I get a reminder that will pop up until I finish the task.


Peter Serven January 6, 2012 at

I am working on being more consistant with my posts. I’ve found a wp plugin called “Editorial Calendar” helpful.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thanks your for sharing Peter. I appreciate your added suggestion.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

It is important to try and focus on one aspect or topic. If you are to random you will find it difficult to reach success. The reminder is a great idea, keep up the hard work and it will pay off.


Bryan January 6, 2012 at

Hi Neil,

Great post! Can you clarify which Covario tool is used for sentiment analysis? Are there any other you would recommend?

Sentiment Analysis seems like a good candidate for a follow up article.




Dan Sumner January 6, 2012 at

Great stuff once again Neil. I actually feel educated today after reading your post. I guess I have some work to do now.

I never knew that linking to authority sites was good for your own rankings?

A lot of these can come naturally when blogging especially the sentiment. It’s like you say, stay on top of the changes in what the search engines are looking for is always a great tip.

Just one question Neil, I noticed you changed your popup (again) is that bespoke? Could you let me know where you got it?




Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

Linking to authoritative sites is definitely a great way to improve your own rankings. Glad you found the article informative. Email me at neil@neilpatel.com and I’ll give you some more info on the popup. Thanks


Tony Shays January 6, 2012 at

Thanks for the great tips, Neil! I will certainly put them to good use.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

I hope so! Let me know how they work out for you.


Abigail January 6, 2012 at

More great information to help improve blogs! I have never heard of Dublin core metadata elements. I will have to research some more about this subject. Great informative post!

P.S. I also noticed the pop up. I don’t know if it’s always been that way or not. It helps get more subscribers but sometimes it can be a turn off for those who want to enter your site and read your blog. Maybe you can make the subscribe more obvious on the sidebar instead of having a pop up subscription. Or time if so the pop up subscription comes up after the person has been on the site for a while. It might be turning viewers away.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thanks Abigail,

Good to know this post has been able to teach you something new. Yes, the pop up does help increase subscribers. I appreciate your thoughts and suggestion though and will take it into consideration.


Sweta Patel January 6, 2012 at

Great post! I love the insight! However, I have never heard of the Dublin Core?

How is it different from just adding your own metadata? Or perhaps using the WP SEO Pack Plugin?


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

You can utilize that method as well. Dublin Core does have a WP plugin that is highly effective too. Glad you enjoyed the post.


Personalized Letters January 6, 2012 at

What about the use of lsi words within the text of your webpages related with the keywords you want to rank high? Has anyone is using that?


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

That’s another way you can go about ranking high. Google utilizes lsi to sparse through large sets of data.


Personalized Letters January 6, 2012 at

Sorry, I just forgot to thank you!!!! for another good post full of great information!!! :-) So much to learn!!!


Nick J. West January 6, 2012 at

Thanks for the concise tips. I can hardly wait to integrate 1 or 2 of them in future site updates. It’s interesting to note that the old adage of Google not recognizing metadata is evolving and early adoption of these tools, like Schema, especially for database driven sites and Dublin Core could be the key for smaller websites looking to get an edge.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

No problem Nick, I hope they help. Yep, Google is constantly changing and evolving. Something to keep an eye out for in the future.


Jonny Ross January 6, 2012 at

Hi Neil,

great post as always, not totally sure i understand the point of DC thou…. why are you not using it?



Dilanka Wettewa January 6, 2012 at

Interesting. Although, I don’t quite understand the whole Dublin Core meta data deal. Not to mention their site does not really contain a ‘easy-to-understand’ guide.

Thanks Neil


Peter Serven January 6, 2012 at

Interesting thought about linking to high ranked sites. I will look into that more. Thanks!


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Yep, it can certainly help. Let me know if you have any questions along the way.


Devesh January 6, 2012 at

Hey Niel,

Great stuff, as always. I wasn’t aware about the linking to high authority sites and sentiment search signals.

Thanks for sharing this great post.



Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Great, glad you were able to learn something new from this post. I hope you implement these tips and you find the helpful.


Mike@ExerciseandNutritonTips January 6, 2012 at

Thanks for your great tips as some of these I never heard about anywhere else. Blog commenting has brought some nice traffic to my site.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thanks for reading. When you focus on quality content and connecting with your readers through comments you should expect to see an increase in traffic. I am glad to hear it is working out for you.


Mohammed Zahed Hussain January 6, 2012 at

Very informative SEO tips. Thanks for sharing :)


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thank you Mohammed, thanks for commenting. :)


Manish Patel January 6, 2012 at

Awesome SEO tips. These tips will sure helps me to drive more traffic on my technology blog. Also specially I really love your way to link to high authority sites. Thanks for sharing this best SEO tips.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

I appreciate your support Manish. Hopefully these tips have been useful. Glad you enjoyed the post.


Kathy Long January 6, 2012 at

Fresh and different from the usual “TOP 6.” I’m Tweeting it which means I like it. :)


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Great, thank you for supporting Quick Sprout. I always appreciate it!


Jeannette Paladino January 6, 2012 at

I am so focused on writing my blog posts, that I’ve neglected to update the other pages on my WP site. As you point out, Google tracks changes in these pages, too, to reward dynamic sites. Thanks for the reminder.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Yep, it is good to remember certain things you may have forgotten about. I know I am constantly needing reminders myself. ;)


Chirag January 6, 2012 at

Nice post Neil.

I never knew about Dublin Core metadata thanks for getting it in the post.



Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thanks Chirag,

Happy to hear you have learned something new and useful.


aatif January 7, 2012 at

Dublin Core metadata is really new to me . never knew about this . Thanks for these great tips .


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Definitely, let me know if you have any questions along they way.

Best of luck.


seoleverage January 7, 2012 at

Thanks a lot Neil. As always this post on your blog is powerfully illuminating. I love your thoughts on building outgoing links to high authority sites.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

I appreciate the kind word. Thank you.


Self Improvement Guy January 7, 2012 at

Geez … I thought I was doing a pretty good job of on-page SEO on my self improvement blog, but I have some holes that I need to fill!

Thanks for the “out-of-the-box” content once again. Authority linking and fresh unique content is something I’ve been trying to do more often already, but I really like your method for including synonyms. That is up next. Is that similar to including LSI keywords?



website company January 7, 2012 at

on page seo can be very effective if done right, with the seo becoming more and more complex these days due to the change in search engine algorithms these tips are surely one can’t afford to overlook if you want better ranking.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Yes, it can. There are constant changes and I am sure more to come. You have to stay on top of it and remember to learn as you go.


Juicing With Rika Susan January 7, 2012 at

Good post, Neil. Should the outbound links to authority sites always be dofollow, as yours are? Do you diminish the beneficial effect if you make them nofollow?


rakesh kumar January 7, 2012 at

Thanks again Neil for this great post, I am right now not able to write even a single post in a week and you come up with such nice post week after weeks.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

It can be difficult to write often. It can be difficult, but if you can make the time it should be quite beneficial.


Dave Doolin January 7, 2012 at

Synonym and sentiment searching is new to me, so very many thanks for covering those topics, even briefly.

Updating pages… wish more people would do it. If everyone updated a page *before* they published their next blog post, the web would surely be a better place.


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Cool, nice to hear you were able to take something new from this post.

Yep, I agree people should update more frequently. Thanks for your added input.


Funny Pictures January 7, 2012 at

These 6 tips can really help each webmaster trying to make a good SERP on google. Most of these things I have never even heard of, but they looks really necessary for having an excellent website. Thank you :)


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Hopefully they will be able to help you. If you implement these tips your site should see improvements. Let me know how they work out for you. :)


Brad Spencer January 7, 2012 at

Hey Neil…random question.

What is the little “reveal the RSS Subscribe” orange bar powered by?




Ajay Patel January 8, 2012 at

waw neil really this is very helpful i want to know that what is secret behind these types of awesome articles?


Mathias January 8, 2012 at

I must say. Your tips are the best. Trying to infiltrate these on my blog right away ;)


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Great, let me know how it goes!


Laure January 8, 2012 at

Great post indeed! It’s rare to read advanced, unusual tips.
And I agree: content should be a big part of SEO by now!


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thank you Laure,

Content should always be the main focus in my opinion. If you have quality content then the rest should be as simp as following a few tips and steps. ;)


Pak Telecom January 8, 2012 at

No doubt these are seo on-pages trips are very useful and based on latest Google algorithmic , thank you for sharing


Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Yep, always happy to share. As well as happy to have my readers share too!


Rosendo Cuyasen January 8, 2012 at

Great post I’ll be using this resources to some of my local SEO members.



Neil Patel January 8, 2012 at

Thanks Rosendo,

That is great to hear, let me know if you have any questions along the way.


Sourabh Rana January 8, 2012 at

Hello Neil,

I have one site on fashion and most fashion products having similar name with little difference and this names comes in Title and URL also. Like If I search this in google “Aqua blue and deep purple color net base saree with blouse” my three pages are coming in top with same title and urls with little difference.

Is this bad for SEO and how we can remove this problem.


Web Design Resource January 9, 2012 at

The first strategy is really good because from it I know how to find search terms synonymously, which will definitely help to boost ranking.


Snap January 9, 2012 at

If i will use dublicore meta data then regular metadata is not essential to use?


solicitors Manchester January 9, 2012 at

i am very new to internet marketing. I dont know how to promote my sites. I kindly request all my mates to explain about What is SEO and any SEO secret strategies.


howtogeneratetraffic.co January 9, 2012 at

Great post! Loved the bit about sentiment, maybe then sites that are bad but have a lot of activity around them because of that won’t benefit from it and sites with good comments/activity will rank higher. This has to be better way of doing things if that’s the aim of this algorithm.


howtogeneratetraffic.co January 9, 2012 at

After re-reading the article, you are referring more to the sentiment/personality of the content rather than the social activity around the site. But in theory it could be used around the social activity to reduce the rankings of sites with lots of bad reviews and benefit sites with more good ones.


David Sneen January 9, 2012 at

Great SEO tips. Without taking anything from the article, some of the comments added almost as much as the article content themself. Great teaching tool.

My questions. In changing content, can I gain SEO juice on my key page by changing numbers? i.e. 700 to 800 and 20 to 25? Is it advisable to make minor wording adjustments?


Neil Patel January 9, 2012 at

You don’t want to make small changes you want to make more major changes.


Mohideen @ Make Money Blog January 9, 2012 at

Getting links on high authorities sites will get some quality backlinks for our sites


Joseph January 9, 2012 at

Great Post Neil, thanks for sharing these Tips.
I have always enjoyed visiting your site.


Steve January 9, 2012 at

If you are a young entrprenuer and you are looking for someone who is successful and leads by example. Check out Steve Wolf and his new book.



solicitors Manchester January 9, 2012 at

i am very new to internet marketing. I dont know how to promote my sites. I kindly request all my mates to explain about What is SEO and any SEO secret strategies.Thanks.


marriage registration January 10, 2012 at

adding comments to your website is a very creative way of adding new content to your website. Thanks for these wonderful tips.


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