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Emily Heyerdahl | Print |

Emily Heyerdahl photoEmily Heyerdahl
is a Research Forester at the Missoula Fire Sciences Lab. She has degrees in geology (B.S., Oregon State University), atmospheric sciences (M.S., University of Washington), and forest ecology (Ph.D., University of Washington). She is on the affiliate faculty of the University of Idaho and the adjunct faculty of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. She co-chairs the Board of Directors of the International Multiproxy Paleofire Database.

Emily’s research focuses on inferring the drivers of spatial and temporal variation in fire regimes over the past several centuries using tree rings and modern fire records. These drivers include climate, forest type, topography, and land use. She has developed fire and forest histories across a range of forest and fire regime types in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Utah, California, British Columbia Canada and the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico.

Aside from tree rings, Emily's passions are her family, hiking, backpacking, and sea kayaking.


Fire regimes & forest structure of Utah & eastern Nevada: A multi-scale history from tree rings

Climate drivers of fire in the Northern Rockies: Past, present and future