Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Publications and Resources

Publications |Cal-IPC News |Speakers' Bureau | Listservs
Cal-IPC's Job Board | Related Resources

Most of the materials listed below are available for purchase from Cal-IPC. In addition, many of them are available online as pdf documents.

Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands book cover


Publications include: reports, books, CD-ROMS, and brochures. Publications can be ordered online, or use our printable order form.

Cal-IPC News quarterly newsletter

The quarterly Cal-IPC News has the latest news on control methods, policy, and projects. All past issues of Cal-IPC News are available for download as printable PDF files.

Speakers' Bureau

Visit the Speakers' Bureau webpage to learn how you can help spread the word about the impacts of invasive plants in California. Bring a Cal-IPC speaker to your group or join our illustrious list of speakers...

Invasive Listservs

The following listservs may be of interest to anyone concerned with invasive plants. See descriptions of each listserv.

Cal-IPC's Job Board

If you are looking for a new job or looking to widely spread the word about a position you would like to fill, this is the webpage for you.

Related Resources

Here's a list of related plant sites, government organizations, and invasive species non-profits.