Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Sierra Nevada Regional Priorities

Visit our new CalWeedMapper site for interactive maps and to download reports by region or species!

This report presents statewide risk maps and priority management recommendations for 43 invasive plant species selected to be of special importance for the Sierra Nevada region of California. Maps include current distribution, suitable range in 2010, and projected suitable range for 2050. Recommendations include priority eradication, containment, and surveillance opportunities for each Weed Management Area in the region.

These results support effective conservation planning, addressing a top ecological stressor as part of climate change adaptation strategies. The results can help natural resource managers make a strong case for funding, and provide a foundation for enhancing regional collaboration.

To request a copy on CD: Contact Elizabeth Brusati,

"Prioritizing Regional Response to Invasive Plants in the Sierra Nevada"

Full Report (14 MB pdf)

Bull thistle
Bull thistle is moving to higher elevations.
Photo courtesy Bob Case

Cover and Table of Contents

Ch. 1. Introduction

Ch. 2. Recommendations for the Sierra Nevada Region

Ch. 3. Recommendations for Weed Management Areas (6 MB pdf)

     Sections for individual WMAs (north to south)

Ch. 4. Statewide Species Maps and Profiles (8 MB pdf)

Literature Cited


Southern Sierra

"Prioritizing Regional Response to Invasive Plants in the Southern Sierra"

Support from the Resources Legacy Fund allowed Cal-IPC to develop recommendations for the Southern Sierra (Fresno, Tulare, and Kern Counties).

Download report.


Working on YST
National Park Service team removes yellow starthistle.
Photo courtesy Bobbi Simpson, NPS

This report would not have been possible without the data and expert knowledge generously provided by agencies and individuals involved in Weed Management Areas across the state. We thank the numerous contributors who participated in mapping meetings, provided datasets, and reviewed the results.

Funding was provided by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds), National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Pulling Together Initiative, Resources Legacy Fund, Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, True North Foundation, USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry Program, and USDA Forest Service Special Technology Development Program.

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Please cite this report as: Cal-IPC. 2011. Prioritizing responses to invasive plants in the Sierra Nevada. Cal-IPC Publication 2011-1. California Invasive Plant Council, Berkeley, CA. Available:

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