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KMWorld 2012

October 17 – 19, 2012

Enterprise Search Fall

October 17 – 19, 2012

SharePoint Symposium

October 18 – 19, 2012

Taxonomy Boot Camp

October 16 – 17, 2012
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The modern organization: Translation challenges

The Google Search Appliance (GSA) has reached Version 7. The new features that were emphasized include entity recognition. The GSA 7 can automatically...Read More >>

KM in Practice

Cloud-based managed print services

Xerox taps the Cisco Unified Computing SystemRead More >> Posted December 10, 2012

L’Oréal Switzerland cures IT pain point

Proliferation of data across all departments, including marketing, human resources, accounting and field salesRead More >> Posted December 05, 2012

KM Features

The Crucial Role of Metadata

A presentation at by Lt. Col. David S. Sanchez of the USAF examined the importance of tagging documents with metadata and aligning information governance and content.Read More >> Posted December 05, 2012

Special Agent G. Clayton Grigg on the FBI's Approach to Knowledge Management

G. (Gurvais) Clayton Grigg, a special agent with the FBI since 1997 and chief knowledge officer for almost six years, discusses the agency's approach to knowledge management. In a session at the 2012 KMWorld Conference, Grigg says KM is all about outcomes, which for the FBI involves: keeping people safe, preventing bad things from happening and finding out about those that did.Read More >> Posted November 29, 2012

David Weinberger keynote address at KMWorld 2012: facilitating knowledge sharing

Knowledge as we've known it for 100 years has been knocked over by little hyperlinks, says David Weinberger, a senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and co-director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab. In his keynote address at KMWorld 2012, Weinberger explores the new boundaries of knowledge management.Read More >> Posted November 15, 2012

John Seely Brown keynote address at KMWorld 2012: The entrepreneurial learners

In a keynote address at the 2012 KMWorld Conference in Washington, D.C., in October, John Seely Brown, a visiting scholar at USC and independent co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, spoke on the topic, "The Entrepreneurial Learners." The essence of entrepreneurial learning is being constantly alert, aware and interested in the resources available and in how we build connections.Read More >> Posted November 13, 2012

Web Events

December 18, 2012 | 9:00 am PST, 12:00 pm EST

The New Economics of Multichannel Capture

Perspectives in Knowledge Management

David Weinberger

David Weinberger

How the Internet is changing knowledge, society, relationships and communication.

Understanding big data vs. theory

The problem is that knowledge often outpaces understanding. In the Age of the Net, if we want our knowledge to get very very big, knowledge is going to blow far past our understanding, and we aren't going to be able to afford to wait around for understanding to catch up.Read More >>

Your business needs scholars

"These experts within your business show all the signs of scholarship, except that scholarly papers are not their ultimate output..."Read More >>

How meaning stuck ...

Attempts to permanently fix meanings to things, and attempts to identify knowledge as if it were valuable free of your context and projects, are misguided. Read More >>

The Future of the Future

The Future of the Future

How to create an innovative future by today’s thoughts and actions.

Rethinking ROI: The Metrics of Intangible Assets

What is the true value of intangible assets like intellectual capital and in an enterprise, and what is the ROI (return on investment) for knowledge management. Here are two intangible asset valuation methods that will likely get the attention of the folks sitting both in the c-suite and on the board of directors.Read More >>

Smart hospitals: Transformational medicine for the knowledge age Part 2

"Making the shift toward a patient-centered experience for education and behavioral reinforcement for healthy living should be the end vision for the smart hospital..."Read More >>

Smart hospitals: Transformational medicine for the knowledge age Part 1

"The next challenge is bringing expert knowledge along with patient data directly to the point of decision"...Read More >>

Knowledge Management News

Simplifying project management

LiquidPlanner releases Version 4 December 12, 2012

Processing meets review in Relativity 7.5

Significant release from kCura December 11, 2012

On-demand Web compliance from Sitecore and HiSoftware

Auditing digital content December 10, 2012

Social media monitoring in real time

Clarabridge partners with Gnip December 07, 2012

Quote of the Week

Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible. 
- Richard Feynman

KMWorld Magazine

November/December 2012 Magazine Issue

Collaborate, innovate, adapt!
Collaboration taps into social networks to aid productivity

"Enterprise social software solutions are being used in 67 percent of organizations surveyed in 2012, up from 43 percent in 2011..."

Web analytics and beyond ... it's a multichannel world

"Marketing through mobile and social channels is growing, and one of the challenges is to measure the effectiveness of such initiatives..."

The next frontier for software: Smart process applications fill a big gap

"Smart process apps should be viewed as an incremental, interactive solution to a business need, not a cure-all solution..."


Bottom-up BPM: Three reasons to start small but think big

Reduce your exposure to failure and increase your chance of success December 12, 2012

The New Enterprise Literacy

Enterprise leaders can look back at the dawn of early literacy for some useful guidance. December 07, 2012

The Crowdsourcing Revolution at KPMG: How to Harness the Power of the People

At a session titled "Finding Answers Using Crowdsourcing" at KMWorld 2012, former KPMG employee, Ian Coyne, described the roots of the crowdsourcing revolution at the firm. December 06, 2012

12 Tips for Enterprise Search Success

At the Enterprise Search Summit, Martin White, author of Enterprise Search, shared his 12 critical success factors for enterprise search now and for the future. December 05, 2012

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LegalTech New York

January 29 - 31, 2013

Featured Video

David Weinberger's keynote speech: "Facilitating Knowledge Sharing" (KMWorld 2012 - Thursday, 18 October).

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