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Arnold and his team at have previously written several books about search.

In the last half dozen years they have generated multiple editions of the now defunct Enterprise Search Report which ballooned to a massive 600 pages when printed out.

They also prepared the Beyond Search report about value-added indexing for the Gilbane Group, Successful Enterprise Search Management for Galatea in the UK, and a third analysis of Google technology in Google: The Digital Gutenberg.


How to Find the Right Enterprise Search Solution

What kind of internal search engine should your company or organisation choose for your own data collections?

Man and woman searching intranet

Enterprise search software are search technologies developed for companies and organizations that need search solutions for all the data their employees produce, being that data found on company web sites, in intranets, document management systems, company email, in house databases and other types of content.

One particular important factor is the need to combine search results from multiple type data sources, so-called federated search.

Pandia has teamed up with enterprise search expert Stephen E. Arnold to offer you an extensive report on the pros and cons of the various enterprise search solutions.

The report is very reasonably priced, which means that even small companies can benefit from this work of search engine intelligence. The price for the 186 page report is US$ 20,-.

Download this report now!

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About the Report: The Landscape of Enterprise Search

The New Landscape of Enterprise Search. A Critical Review of the Market and Search Systems, by Stephen E. Arnold.

An enterprise search system is an important part of many organizations' operations. However, search vendors are using a diverse, often Madison Avenue approach to explaining information retrieval.

To make the landscape more interesting, there are hundreds of companies offering broad solutions and an equal number selling customer support systems, business intelligence systems, and sentiment analysis solutions, among others.

Scrape away the marketing jargon, and these systems are often quite similar. Dig more deeply and you will discover that some solutions use open source software wrapped in proprietary code.

Other vendors license third party tools from specialists and essentially "package up" solutions which are pitched as a cohesive whole. Little wonder most enterprise search systems generate dissatisfaction levels among their users of 50 percent, 65 percent, and even higher.

In this completely new report, Stephen Arnold and his team compress a complex subject into a manageable 150 pages of text. There are 30 pages of supplementary material, which you use as needed.

The Content of the Enterprise Search Report

Arnold and have pulled information from their annual review of the search sector. They prepare this review for their clients each year. In additiion they make use of additional information about the market, hot sectors, and the problem "big data" poses to organizations regardless of their revenues or number of employees.

The report focuses on the main players of enterprise, giving them one chapter each.

Enterprise search


This chapter looks at the guts of Autonomy's Integrated Data Operating Layer and provide facts about why the company is able to sustain solid growth and deliver search technology to more than 20,000 customers.


Arnold & Co. write about the "under the covers" aspect of Endeca's Guided Navigation.

The report explores how Endeca has penetrated eCommerce, search, and business intelligence. Unlike Autonomy, Endeca is a privately held company and has been the victim of a "glass ceiling" in certain aspects of its business.


Like Google, Exalead based its revolutionary approach on experiences its founders gleaned working on other search and retrieval methods. After its purchase by Dassault Systemès in 2010, Exalead exploded into a market niche described as "search based applications."

The chapter dissects the "plumbing" of Exalead and identifies how its next generation technology is pushing the company toward new types of information integration, including augmented reality.


The chapter presents pricing and a frank discussion about the commitment Google has to make to the Google Search Appliance to make it a cost effective option for organizations.

The information about Google's cloud-based search initiative and the 2011 search appliance pricing provides a view different from what is offered by Google"s public relations.


The focus is on the Fast Search & Transfer SA system which is the carrier-class search solution for Microsoft SharePoint licensees.

The report looks at what Microsoft Fast Search Server is, and documents what is different from the old, pre-implosion Fast Search. Arnold & Co. has gathered information that explains why Fast Search was beginning a complete rewrite of the core Fast Search system prior to the acquisition by Microsoft. The chapter reveals what happened to that project.


The company has a new management team and is now pushing aggressively into enterprise search.

Unlike some vendors, Vivisimo has kept a focus on search, and the company has added features to make Vivisimo useful in customer support and eDiscovery applications.

Woman searching in company drawer

Is Vivisimo a solid search solution or a clever utility packaged like many other vendors' technology as a Swiss Army knife?

The Future of Enteprise Search

The final chapter provides a glimpse of the search landscape as tomorrow's sun breaks the horizon. Search as a stand alone solution is not casting a long shadow.

What will the future hold for today's leaders and the hundreds of companies chasing the search brass ring? This analysis may surprise but not shock you.

Enterprise Search Resellers and Partners

The volume also contains a listing of resellers and partners of the profiled vendors. This information is often needed when a problem arises or a new feature or function is required.

The listing also provides stark evidence of the "footprint" each of the vendors has in specific market sectors. To our knowledge, such data have not previously been collected.

Alternative Vendors

Arnold and his associates have also prepared a table listing another two dozen vendors of enterprise search. For each vendor we describe its core positioning and provide essential facts such as the firm's url.

In a sense, this table provides a summary of the key points in the other analyses of key vendors and their systems.

Enterprise Search Glossary

Finally, there is a fresh list of terms and definitions. The jargon of search is one of the signals that vendors are struggling to make sales. The glossary provides short explanations of important terms.

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Stephen E. Arnold: The New Landscape of Enterprise Search. A Critical Review of the Market and Search Systems. Published by Pandia, Oslo, Norway, 2011.
ISBN: 978-82-998676-0-3


In this new Landscape report, Stephen E. Arnold and his team have focused on the companies most often included in procurement reviews.

With more than 200 vendors offering enterprise search solutions, there are 194 vendors who could argue that their system is better, faster, and cheaper than the vendors' systems discussed in Landscape.

That may be true, but to include a large number of vendors makes for another unwieldy report. Most people want two or three profiles of search vendors. Arnold & Co maintain profiles for about 50 systems, and they track about 300 vendors in their in house Overflight system.


The following enterprise search companies are covered in detail:

Google Search Solutions
Microsoft and Fast


The Landscape of Enterprise Search - cover

More than 180 pages of enterprise search intelligence for only $ 20!

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