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ArnoldIT.com’s Beyond Search has a stable of writers who contribute material throughout the week. When Stephen E Arnold is on the road or otherwise engaged, stories appear under the writers’ bylines. When Mr. Arnold is on the job, he often uses the default signature which attributes the stories to him.

Stories appearing in Beyond Search are work for hire; that is, each of the writers is compensated for his or her contribution. Suggestions and criticisms should be put in the comments section of the blog, which represents my opinions and interests on the day the stories appear. For more information about the editorial approach, check the About page of this blog.

The blog became available in January 2008 and now contains more than 5,700 articles. You can run a query on a search or content processing vendor and get a reasonable idea of what the company has been announcing over the last 30 months. Keep in mind that we chide giant outfits and tiny ones as well. We try to combine information with some observations you won’t find in “real” news publications.

If you want to submit articles, write to seaky2000 at yahoo dot com. If you want to advertise, use the same email address. Stories in Beyond Search diffuse world wide in a matter of minutes of their publication in the blog. From our rural Kentucky complex in Harrod’s Creek, we offer information that the blue-chip, azure-chip, self-appointed experts charge a lot.

Beyond Search is free, and the writers and I hope it is useful and sometimes fun.

Derek Clark

Mr. Clark holds an MSLS in Library Science and a BA in English (Creative Writing). He performs freelance archiving work, assists in library projects, and contributes to Beyond Search and other blogs.

April Holmes

April Holmes has a BS in Chemistry with a minor in Biology and is currently employed in the Environmental and Research sector. She uses her science and research background to add informative content to Beyond Search and other online communication sources.

Cynthia Murrell

Cynthia Murrell is a freelance writer and copy editor who prides herself on her organization, professionalism, and attention to detail. With a BFA in Theatre and a background ranging from education to information technology work, she has significant experience to draw on. While she enjoys writing original pieces, she prefers to pick apart the works of others.

Whitney Grace

Ms. Grace has a Masters degree in Library and Information Sciences.  Her expertise lies in finding information, keyword tagging, annotation, cleaning up messes, and writing.  She is also a graphic novel and animation enthusiast.  While not working on content with intent, she studies storytelling.  She also freelances for Comic Buyers Guide and AnimatedViews.com.

Leslie Radcliff

Leslie Radcliff is a native of southern Indiana. She attends Indiana University Southeast where she majors in Journalism and will graduate with her bachelors degree in May. A former college level athlete she enjoys coaching and helping others as well as spending time with her family. After graduation Leslie hopes to join the professional ranks as a reporter/photographer.

Sarah Rogers

Sarah Rogers is Mechanical Engineer, working in various facets of the industry for ten years.  She writes for Beyond Search armed with an analytical mind, respect for the printed word and an insatiable curiosity for everything.   Sarah also participates in other ArnoldIT.com projects when she has time.

Alice Wasielewski

Alice Wasielewski, a frequent contributor to Beyond Search and other online information sources, has an M.S. in Library and Information Science and an M.A. in English Literature.  She writes from her perspective as a Reference and Instruction Academic Librarian who previously spent almost six years working and living in South Korea.

Jasmine Ashton

Jasmine Ashton holds a Bachelors degree in political science and English writing and has been working as a communications professional in the business, nonprofit, and political sectors for the past five years. In addition to being a regular contributor to Beyond Search and other Augmentext blogs, her background includes: grant writing and research, crafting news releases, and engineering social media sites.

Page updated: December 30, 2011

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