• Thursday 12 January 2012

  • Houses of Parliament

    The Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Alamy

    Join Andrew Sparrow for rolling coverage of all the day's political developments as they happen

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  • Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens was warm-hearted, but not foolish. Photograph: Alamy

    What would Charles Dickens have made of the coalition's welfare reform bill, which a rival coalition of crossparty and no-party peers have combined to defeat, as Patrick Wintour reports here? Great humanitarian and reformer that he was, the answer may be trickier than we think.

    At its most emotive, Wednesday night's defeat can be presented as a victory for people with disabilities and serious illnesses – stroke survivors, for example – who would have been forced (and may still be if ministers reverse the votes) to give up their employment and support allowance – ESA is a re-badged disability allowance – after a year under the government's bill. Continue reading...

  • Wednesday 11 January 2012

  • Michael Gove

    Michael Gove, the education secretary. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian

    Live coverage as Michael Gove sets out plans for changes to computing and IT in schools, and experts from Google, schools and universities debate all the issues

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  • Dublin city centre

    A stroll along the river Liffey will provide evidence of an economy still in the doldrums of recession. Photograph: Chris Bacon/PA

    A leisurely stroll along the river Liffey in the unseasonably warm January air between two of Dublin's most famous landmarks will provide you with all the evidence you need of an economy still in the doldrums of recession.

    From the Four Courts, which the anti-treaty republican forces occupied during the civil war of the early 1920s to the curved elegant Ha'penny Bridge connecting either side of the river there are boarded up empty pubs, closed hotels lying dormant for years, abandoned shops and businesses along this historic route. Continue reading...

  • David Cameron at PMQs

    Screengrab from Sky News of David Cameron speaking during prime minister's questions on 11 January 2012 Photograph: Sky News screengrab

    Andrew Sparrow with rolling coverage of all the day's political developments including the first PMQs of 2012

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  • Cameron at PMQs

    During PMQs the prime minister expressed his sympathy with Hillsborough victims' families, but said the Taylor Report into the disaster where 92 footaball supporters died was a proper investigation Photograph: Press Association

    Ed Miliband accused the prime minister of being "wrong, wrong, wrong" in a row over who was responsible for allowing rail fares to go up by up to 11% this year. Was he right?

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  • Scotland flag

    Looking ahead: is restored independence in the best interests of the Scottish people? Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA

    Listening to Alex Salmond discussing Scottish independence with the BBC's Jim Naughtie in Edinburgh this morning I was struck by a bold remark from Scotland's first minister, one which explains why he so often makes me nervous.

    Asked if his desire for a third option on the planned referendum ballot paper – the "devolution max" solution that falls short of full independence – isn't a fallback position because he knows he can't win a yes vote, Salmond denied being a wriggler.

    Listeners across these islands will not associate the words 'Alex Salmond' and 'wriggling' very closely together," he told Naughtie. Continue reading...

  • Alex Salmond Retains His Post As First Minister And Creates Scotland's First Majority Government

    Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

    Claims that Scotland would be forced to join the euro are likely to become central to a "no" campaign against independence. But is it true? Polly Curtis, with your help, finds out.

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  • Iain Duncan Smith

    Iain Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary. Photograph: Robin Bell / Rex Features

    Debate intensifies as controversial welfare reform bill enters crucial period in passage through Westminster

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  • Jim Murphy

    What do you want me to ask Jim Murphy? Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA

    "It is important to be both credible and popular when it comes to defence investment and the economics of defence," Jim Murphy, the shadow defence secretary, said last week. It was a striking comment because it raised questions not just about defence, but about Labour's economic credibility generally. Do you agree? Do you think he went too far - or not far enough? I'm interviewing Murphy, using questions from readers. What do you think I should ask? Continue reading...

  • Tuesday 10 January 2012

  • Ed Miliband

    Ed Miliband, whose leadership is coming under increased scrutiny. Photograph: Richard Saker for the Observer

    Andrew Sparrow with rolling coverage of all the day's political developments including the Labour leader's big speech

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  • Britain's Chancellor George Osborne speaks at the Conservative spring forum in Cardiff

    Gerorge Osborne is following in the footsteps of his hero Lyndon Baines Johnson as he attempts to call Alex Salmond's bluff. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

    George Osborne regards his pledge in 2007 to scrap inheritance tax for properties worth less than £1m as one of his finest achievements. His bold move unsettled Gordon Brown and was the key factor in persuading the then prime minister to abandon plans to hold an early general election.

    The government's decision to call Alex Salmond's bluff and devolve powers to the Scottish parliament, on a temporary basis, to hold a binding referendum on Scotland's constitutional future bears the imprint of Osborne. The chancellor, who briefed the cabinet on his plans on Monday, believes that great leaders embark on bold moves which remake the political landscape. That is the lesson he learnt from his favourite political work, Robert Caro's epic biography of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.

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  • A 'stop HS2' sign

    A sign at the roadside in Drayton Bassett, Staffordshire. Photograph: David Jones/PA

    Call it defeatism, if you like, but we bus pass-holders aren't eager to book a ticket for the opening of the HS2 high-speed rail line from London to Birmingham, which the transport secretary, Justine Greening, announced today. Because the train won't be leaving Euston station until 2026, if it's lucky, by which time ...

    There again, our OAP taxes will be helping to pay for it, and you can't escape big transport infrastructure projects, which have a habit of infecting lives in ways both good and bad. Continue reading...

  • high speed rail

    Photograph: Metro

    The government claims that HS2 linking London with the midlands will boost productivity but campaigners say it's a waste of money that will disproportionately benefit the wealthy. Who is right? Polly Curtis, with your help, finds out.

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  • Ed Miliband

    It's the way he tells them – Ed Miliband's use of language has drawn criticism. Photograph: David Jones/PA

    Ed Miliband's interview on the Today programme on Radio 4 this morning drew comment for his reticence to name the cuts Labour would make, John Humphrys's cringeworthy remarks about his looks and a bizarre comparison to Jedward. But as he declared: "I have a very strong inner belief that I will win the race," several people, myself included, got more stuck on his sentence structure.

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