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The ESDIS Project collects metrics from across the Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). The 12 Data Centers of EOSDIS support different scientific disciplines and provide an individualized set of products and services to their science community and the public. Although discipline oriented, the data centers engage in common data management functions of ingest, archive and distribution, as well as describing their data and services on web sites.

The navigation links at the upper right take you to annual compilations of system level statistics and to annual reports of the EOSDIS ratings by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). An annual summary of the most recent fiscal year statistics appears in the table below.

Key Science System Metrics

EOSDIS Metrics (Oct 1, 2009 to Sept 30, 2010)
Unique Data Products
Distinct Users of EOSDIS Data and Services   >1.1 M
Web Site Visits of 1 Minute of more
   >1.1 M
Average Daily Archive Growth2.9 TB/day
Total Archive Volume4.5 PB
End User Distribution Products  >412 M
End User Average Daily Distribution Volume 9.9 TB/day