
Facebook apologizes for removing breastfeeding photo

by BILL MCGINTY / NewsChannel 36 Staff

Bio | Email | Follow: @billwcnc

Posted on December 30, 2011 at 3:12 PM

Updated Friday, Dec 30 at 6:42 PM

CROUSE, N.C. -- Heather Stultz was mad when Facebook removed a breastfeeding photo from her breastfeeding support page called “Respect the Breast.”

Facebook wrote to Stultz, saying the photo was removed because it violated the pornographic  content rules made clear under the terms section on her page.

“When we started a fan page, it boomed,” Stultz said.  “It blew me away.  I can’t believe that someone would think that something so natural and so nurturing and caring could turn it into something so dark and nasty.  It’s not like that.”

Facebook’s policy says it prohibits content that is “hateful, threatening, defamatory, or pornographic” or contains nudity.

The NewsChannel 36 I-Team contacted Facebook this week asking why this photo fell under pornographic guidelines.  On Friday, NewsChannel 36 learned that Facebook has done an about face.

After investigating the situation, Facebook told the I-Team they made a mistake.

“It appears that the photo in question was removed in error.  We do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.   We agree that breastfeeding is natural and beautiful and we're very glad to know that it is important for mothers to share their experience with others on Facebook,” the company said in a statement.

Supporters of breast feeding wrote in to say it hurts them when people see breastfeeding as vulgar.  Women siding with Heather have started a Facebook petition to let the photos stay.  So far more than 1,600 members have signed on to protect images they say are natural, not nasty.

“Back before there was formula, that was how you fed your children,” Stultz added.  “You didn’t put it in the microwave and shake it.  It’s raw on tap and is the perfect temperature.  It’s liquid gold.”

And with Facebook now “liking” Heather’s page and photo, they have once again gained a “friend.”

Click here to read Facebook’s email to the I-Team.


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Comments: Displaying 1 - 15 of 21

StevieGirl said on January 1, 2012 at 4:50 PM

hcjfctc ----> Breastfeeding babies are not "social" eaters in the same sense as adults and non-breastfeeding little people. When a baby is breastfeeding, it's a moment between him or her and Mom - that's it and that is exactly and all it is meant to be. Your argument is ridiculous and pointless. Just admit that you are indeed among those with an arrogant agenda to try and push people around. The many (and thus majority of) breastfeeding mothers who have no agenda other than feeding their infants peacefully and quietly are not figuratively and literally hungry for a fight or for attention and are thus happy to advocate for this beautiful mission in a respectful manner!

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hcjfctc said on January 1, 2012 at 12:57 AM

"just put the baby's blanket over"....obviously said by someone who has never breastfed a 6 month or older child. Blankets are ripped off in a split second. How would you like to eat or even suck through a straw with your head under a blanket? Humans are social eaters, why should a child have to be separated from the rest while he eats just because he happens to eat from his mother's breast? Unfortunately, we as a society would rather view breasts used as a sex object (which should remain in the bedroom) plastered on billboards and tv where a 4 year old son can see and may only view them sexually instead of viewing them as the natural way of feeding our child (which should be socially acceptable) so a 4 year old son will see them as a nourishing tool, supporting his wife one day as she nourishes his child.

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StevieGirl said on December 31, 2011 at 4:45 PM

Well said brb28054. I'm tired of arguing with the folks that are indeed "hiding behind an agenda!" Have a safe and happy New Year :) Peace!

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jeweldog said on December 31, 2011 at 4:33 PM

StevieGirl... Where was I "elitist"? It appears that YOURS is the closed mind is that you think its acceptable for babies to eat in bathrooms or there is something shameful about feeding your baby. I was stating FACTS. Why is it OK for men to go out with their pants halfway down thier legs and little girls to walk around with "Juicy" on thier bottoms but heaven forbid you actually feed your child as was natrually intended because some narrow-minded person will get all upset and cry vulgar. My mind is open and, like I said, I wasn't whipping them out every time my son needed to fed, I was very discreet and no one even noticed or saw anything, but yours is obviously closed. BTW... Speaking is natrual too and so it kissing and walking so why don't you compare those to breast feeding too?

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Kristin_Hutcda9 said on December 31, 2011 at 3:57 PM

We as a society need to realize there are other uses for our breast besides sexual pleasure. Years ago breastfeeding was the only way to feed your infant and if you couldn't, you had to hire someone who could. I doubt that when a woman fed her baby in public, anyone even noticed it. It was a natural part of life. I don't see how that has changed in such a short amount of time. Yes peeing is natural and yes so is sex but it doesn't even make sense to compare them to breastfeeding. We use our mouths as sexual objects and yet we are allowed to speak in public and kiss our loved ones in public. That's because there are so many uses for our mouths that they are not considered just sexual. That's the way we should think about the breast while it is feeding a baby, like it's a normal part of the day just like speaking or chewing your food. It should be normal and yet we still have to be controversial about it.

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brb28054 said on December 31, 2011 at 3:56 PM

The mother is simply hiding behind an agenda..There are people whom are nudist's who believe that going nude is natural. Does this make it right to show photos of family outings ie camping, picnics etc in the nude acceptable ? depends on who you are! however, the facebook rules regarding "nude" photos is exactly what it means, "nude".. You would have an argument if facebook banned post's or blogs/forums about breastfeeding but rules are rules. Just because you believe it's acceptable doesnt mean everyone does. You can promote your cause without graphical photos or illustrations, I believe everyone gets the concept of breastfeeding !

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StevieGirl said on December 31, 2011 at 2:24 PM

jeweldog ----> Adults and non-breastfeeding children eat with plates and utensils - of course it would be ridiculous to "eat in the bathroom." Be a bit realistic if you want to seriously argue your issue. Breastfeeding (and I shouldn't have to spell it out) involves the baby suckling at his or her mother's breast. It's pointless to even compare the two! A baby is certainly not going to "die of heat stroke" if Mom nurses him or her under a thin blanket. Give me a break. This kind of inept reasoning and arrogant remarks that you spew taint the "mission" and alienate the very people you are urging to accept the activity of breastfeeding in public. Most rationale people are not against this. What is distasteful are elitist attitudes like the one you are expressing. Also, breastfeeding is like urinating in that it's a natural and yes, necessary act (for babies that are breastfed). I suggest that if you truly want people to open their hearts and minds, that you open your own!

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pnymqjr said on December 31, 2011 at 10:46 AM

I don't get this Facebook thing. It's a privately-owned website and short of illegality, they can do whatever the hell they want. They can pull your mother's picture if they don't like the way she looks. Get over it.

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jeweldog said on December 31, 2011 at 9:53 AM

I guess for some of you... you would rather a baby starve than have the horror of a mother breast feeding her infant. HYPOCRITES! I know I don't want to eat in a bathroom because it's gross but for some reason, it's all right to feed babies there... also you wouldn't want to eat under a blanket on a warm or hot day but you MUST but a baby under one (who cares if the baby dies of heat stroke... just blame the mom and charge her). I breast fed my son but I wan't "whipping them out for all the see" and was discreet all without a blanket. The only way you could really see anything is if you got close and if you did, you were a pervert! Get over yourselves already, when did feeding your child become offensive... and it is not like peeing because you DON'T DRINK YOUR PEE!

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StevieGirl said on December 31, 2011 at 9:06 AM

I couldn't have said it better jumbos_lady! Thank you!

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StevieGirl said on December 31, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Ashley1828 -----> It's attitudes like yours that disgust people and taint the whole breastfeeding movement. Simmer down, and folks might have more of an open mind towards your "cause." In all honesty, it does not appear that your agenda is advocating for feeding infants naturally. It seems that you're choosing whatever forum to jump on an egotistical soap box. Like I said, there are approaches that you could take that would truly advocate for this beautiful cause. I suggest you do a reality check with yourself and perhaps ask what your real agenda is with pursuing your so-called mission. Just an opinion from somebody that respects the world that I live in and tries to put myself in others' shoes (not just throw stones from a little glass house).

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jumbos_lady said on December 31, 2011 at 8:56 AM

I agree that breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful thing between the mother and infant...NOT for the rest of the world to gaze at!!! I can't stand to be out in public and see a woman yank hers out...I think some do that only for attention and to say that "it's my right"....get over it ladies everyone knows that yes we can do it and yes it's disgusting out in public...please cover up your breast with an infants blanket so that my 4 yr old son doesn't have to look at you!! Thank you WCNC for properly reporting this news story....great job!!

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ashleyl828 said on December 31, 2011 at 12:32 AM

StevieGirl, what are nipples for? I don't want to see your face, I think you should cover it up too or hide it in the handicap bathroom.

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hcjfctc said on December 30, 2011 at 11:13 PM

I also say very hypocritical. How can you say that facebook was in the wrong in removing the photo when you won't show the full photo either? While there are natural functions we humans do that should be private, eating is not one of them. This picture looks like the baby is fully on the nipple, so no nipple would be seen. Not cool, WCNC, not cool.

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StevieGirl said on December 30, 2011 at 9:20 PM

Thank you WCNC for blurring the photo. Respectful decision!

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StevieGirl said on December 30, 2011 at 8:53 PM

I so agree with haha1212's comment: "There are lots of natural functions of the body but it doesnt mean the general public wants to watch it." EXACTLY! I don't particularly want to see a close up of some woman's nipple. I'm ALL FOR breastfeeding, but these extremist loud mouths that want to shove breasts in the public's face are, in my opinion, out of line! Get a life and get a grip. You can voice your opinion and advocate without acting obnoxious! And NO, a newspaper or online article is not an appropriate medium to display one's breast, whether it's being used to feed an infant or not!

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ashleyl828 said on December 30, 2011 at 7:41 PM

WCNC How are you any better! Are you too ashamed to show a woman breast feeding too? Why on Earth is it blurred out? Are you afraid someone might be offended by a woman feeding her child the way God intended? Shame on you, very hypocritical and immature!

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oshagirly said on December 30, 2011 at 7:05 PM

You don't put a bottle in the microwave anyway!! Very dangerous, can cause hot spots and scald the baby and it kills the nutrients in formula and breastmilk. It clearly says on most bottles and formula: DO NOT MICROWAVE!!

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fatangel said on December 30, 2011 at 6:27 PM

It's appropriate for Facebook (a website) to display but not appropriate for your website? Absolutely terrible WCNC.

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silverfish100 said on December 30, 2011 at 5:21 PM

Why is the photo blurred? It seems it is okay and yet....

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haha1212 said on December 30, 2011 at 5:09 PM

How ridiculous. There are lots of natural functions of the body but it doesnt mean the general public wants to watch it.

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