US elections 2012 badge


Editors' picks

Republican candidates: a guide

  • Newt Gingrich

    GOP candidates

    Pugnacious former Speaker of the House who clashed with Clinton, now attempting a political comeback

  • Mitt Romney

    GOP candidates

    Once a moderate GOP governor of Massachusetts, recasting himself as conservative business champion

  • Ron Paul

    GOP candidates

    The 76-year-old congressman's libertarian policies have made him an unlikely rock star of the right

  • Rick Perry

    GOP candidates

    Mixes rock-ribbed Southern conservatism with 10 years experience as a successful governor of Texas

  • Michele Bachmann

    GOP candidates

    Flame-throwing social conservative from Minnesota and Tea Party darling who thrives on controversy

  • Jon Huntsman

    Jon Huntsman

    Former governor of Utah and Obama's ambassador to China, regarded with suspicion by many in the GOP

  • Rick Santorum

    Rick Santorum

    Renowned as an unbending right-winger, the former senator suffered crushing election defeat in 2006

Full results

  • Iowa caucus results

    Iowa caucus results

    Our live updating primary and caucus page shows you the full results from Iowa and tells you everything you need to know about the state and its voting history

  • Making election coverage more useful

    Barack Obama 2008

    Jay Rosen and Amanda Michel: We invite you to help refresh the media's tired templates of campaign coverage to address issues people really care about

Latest video

  • GOP debate: Gingrich tells Romney to 'drop the pious baloney' - video

    Former House speaker Newt Gingrich criticises former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in a TV debate in Concord, New Hampshire
