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Nature Precedings was launched in 2007 as NPG’s preprint server for the Life Science community. Since 2007, technological advances and the needs of the research community have evolved to the extent that the Nature Precedings site is unsustainable as it was originally conceived. As a result, Nature Precedings ceased accepting new submissions as of April 3rd, 2012. The full archive of existing content remains freely accessible at this site and will be maintained by NPG

Nature and the Nature research journals continue to permit the posting of preprints and there is no change to this policy, which is detailed here

NPG truly values the contributions that have been made by the scientific community to Nature Precedings and remains committed to exploring ways to help researchers, funders and institutions to manage data and best practices in data management. We plan to introduce new services in this area, and hope that users of Nature Precedings will actively participate in this research and development with us.