Martin Rowson's coalition and City nativity – cartoon

David Cameron's EU treaty veto threatens to isolate Britain, while coalition slashes feed-in tariff incentives for solar installations

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24.12.11: Martin Rowson's coalition and City nativity
Copyright © Martin Rowson 2011


291 comments, displaying oldest first

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  • jazzdrum

    23 December 2011 9:12PM

    from Max Keiser i hear the uK is 600 % in debt via GDP
    gordon Brown .............come back

  • Fainche

    23 December 2011 9:17PM

    I'd love to know what message that smoke signal's sending, as for the 'solar panel' fiasco, the court ruling came a tad too late for a few legitimate companies forced to lay off staff.

    I hope that Gideon and Dave spend the next 12 months on their knees begging forgiveness, but then I've always been wildly optimistic.

    I'd like to wish you a very Merry Christmas Cartoonist Rowson, and sincere thanks for the wonderful editorials you've produced this year x


  • TimMiddleton

    23 December 2011 9:17PM

    Hard to see why Dave is so antagonistic towards solar panels since he clearly believes that the sun shines out of his own arse.


    23 December 2011 9:18PM

    The greenest government ever...

    End the banks bonus culture...

    The broadest shoulders will ....

    All in this together...

  • Drewv

    23 December 2011 9:22PM

    To see if I have got this right: is Cameron going to offer the EU Consumer Rights Directive (which presumably protects, or might possibly protect, consumers from illegitimate solar panel traders) to the fat cat in the manger as a Christmas gift?

  • wotever

    23 December 2011 9:23PM

    What is the judge reference..?

  • Rustigjongens

    23 December 2011 9:25PM

    Clearly the UK Prime Minister has not islolated the UK indeed he has managed the rare trick of splitting the French / German axis, as a Dutch national I applaud his stance and can only wish my own political leaders had the same convictions to say no to the disgraceful French power grab that is currently taking place in the EU.

    As for your complaints about feed - in - tariffs being slashed, guess what? , the Germans have done exactly the same thing, the Dutch have also taken steps to cut the feed-in-tariffs.

    I know it does not bring much christmas cheer to some of the more myopic Labour supporters who frequent the CiF section of the Guardian, but the truth is that Cameron is doing as good a job as anyone could expect after inheriting such a mess from your previous Labour run administration.

  • ucic

    23 December 2011 9:34PM

    A perfect Tory Nativity?

    The devout Call-Me and the Gideot praying to their gods of Mammon in the square mile.

  • ucic

    23 December 2011 9:37PM

    I wonder if the 'good Christians' Call-Me and Gideot read their bible?:

    Luke 16:13:
    No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

  • BadDog

    23 December 2011 9:44PM

    Hard to see why Dave is so antagonistic towards solar panels since he clearly believes that the sun shines out of his own arse.

    Would you want Dave on your roof, dropping his pants and squatting over your solar panel?

  • simplepeet

    23 December 2011 9:44PM

    It doesn't take the Tories long to screw everything up.

    Bring back Gordon Brown!

  • nemossister

    23 December 2011 9:47PM

    Is that Isaac Newton, once Warden of the Royal Mint, helping the Angels try to harness the power of the Sun of God to warm the stable? A little quip signifying the usurpation of the Winter Solstice by those that would make profit from believing humans.....?

  • sue18

    23 December 2011 9:53PM

    wotever ... Judge found that solar panel companies were not given sufficient notice (6 weeks) that the gov. feed-in tariffs were to be suddenly cut off by 50%.

    The 'smoke' is the greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.

    Martin Rowson must know cats very well... I hate the bankers but I love the way he draws them!

    New Graphs by Morgan & Stanley (Think Left) show clearly that the huge UK debts are down to the financial sector. Gordon Brown's government and household debts are not the problem.

    The banks would have great difficulty in re-locating as they're always threatening to do if anyone tries to control them ... no other country would be prepared to be responsible for that level of risk. Privatisation of profits and socialization of losses.

  • TimMiddleton

    23 December 2011 9:55PM

    Would you want Dave on your roof, dropping his pants and squatting over your solar panel?

    Well, BadDog, in a metaphorical sense, that is exactly what I have had since April last year. It's a bloody sight worse than pigeons.

  • NutFree

    23 December 2011 10:00PM

    Beat me to it Tim-it is what every Tory government does to anyone who is "Not one of us"

  • nemossister

    23 December 2011 10:00PM

    Oh, is it a Judge? I thought it was Isaac Newton, behind the Pope.....a kind of chronology bridging the passing of power.....Sun to Angels to Pope to Isaac Newton to Fat Cats, Piggy Banksters, a kind of decent from Heaven to the Hell of having Scameron & Gideon as supplicants at this 'festive' time of year.

    Nemosisster is also confused, and hopes some kind person explains....

  • bill4me

    23 December 2011 10:05PM

    My word! Not another Rowson cartoon with 'Fat Cats' and pigs all dressed in pin striped suits. Maybe next year he'll come up with something original.

    But I doubt it.

  • undemocratic

    23 December 2011 10:06PM

    All men are mortal and so are women.I think ideology and theology make fools of us all.

  • zapthecrap

    23 December 2011 10:06PM

    We await the inevitable exploding cat it just gets bigger and bigger, whilst those around shrink into insignificance,

  • Exodus20

    23 December 2011 10:13PM

    Financial centres around the world are very religious places. They worship and obey G.O.D. (Gold. Oil. Dollars.) every minute of every hour, every hours of every day and every days of their lives.

  • BadDog

    23 December 2011 10:19PM

    My word! Not another Rowson cartoon with 'Fat Cats' and pigs all dressed in pin striped suits. Maybe next year he'll come up with something original.

    But I doubt it.

    Hello, bill4me.

    Seeing that you dislike Martin Rowson's cartoons so much, I assume you clicked the link to it by mistake?

  • Swedinburgh

    23 December 2011 10:36PM

    The solar panel tarriff gets slashed when engineers realise that the sunlight coming out of Dave's arse is more than blacked out by the smoke the right-wing media blows up it.

  • Fainche

    23 December 2011 10:41PM

    It's nice to say 'you're too kind' back Mr M. In the 8 mths I found myself unemployed and treated as sub-human by various Government Departments, agencies and complete strangers, my very sincere thanks to you , LaC, Qwertboi aka 'The Cartoonistas' and other wonderful people here who in the wee small hours gave me the will to just carry on, and you can't put a price on that. So a very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, and also to those of Messrs Rowson and Bell x

  • SikhWarrior

    23 December 2011 10:52PM

    I seem to remember reading about a solar furnace i think in either France or Spain that could just by reflecting sunlight of the appropriately aligned mirrors punch holes in steel plate in just a few seconds....Oh for the joy of aiming something like that at the collection of piggies and fatcats and politicians in that cartoon !!!!!

  • PeleMcAmble

    23 December 2011 10:54PM

    If every house in the country had solar panels, that would mean fewer power stations and the electricity generating companies, all of which support the Tory Party, would sell less electricity to consumers.

    "Bugger that", said Cameron, "I might be claiming to be in charge of the greenest government of all time but we have to support the power generating companies. I know, let's half the subsidy we give for solar panels, that'll soon put a stop to it."

    You couldn't make this up. It's a shambles but rest assured, those wise men (there should be three of them by the way - where's Clegg?) worshipping at the feet of the fat cat (Jesus el Pifco?) will make sure everything is just tickety boo ... for themselves and their kind.

    Spot on Cartoonist Rowson - you are one of the few good reasons for reading the Guardian these days. And perhaps you might know exactly what Cameron has vetoed, apart from his seat at the table? No one else seems to know. Merry X.

  • jamesoverseas

    23 December 2011 10:58PM

    Mr Bell.

    Please have a look at the front cover of Private Eye to see a decent example of a political cartoon incorporating the nativity scene.

  • nemossister

    23 December 2011 11:04PM

    Thank you, as always, cmnimo..... of course this makes much more sense.

    In my daily life I really don't convolute things, but put a piece of art in front of me and I start seeing all sorts of complicated symbolic bollocks.....

  • BadDog

    23 December 2011 11:11PM

    I've just enlarged and printed this cartoon onto card to use as a Christmas card, as I did with Steve Bell's cartoon yesterday.

    Both much better than the commercial Christmas cards I've been given, and both will have pride of place on my mantlepiece.

    Thank you, Martin Rowson, for all the wonderful cartoons you have drawn for us throughout this year.

    Best wishes and seasons greetings to you and all the readers of this thread.

  • zapthecrap

    23 December 2011 11:17PM

    Like the proposals on the BBC and every other media outlet that they are going to stop excessive charges for using credit cards.

    Total spin they have no intention of controlling the things that are destroying civilization whilst being bankrolled by the very same institutions.

  • agreewith

    23 December 2011 11:35PM

    It is always of interest to see how many meetings the Department of Energy and Climate Change have had, with whom, and for what declared purpose.

    In the US during the last decade, energy companies spent more than $2.5 billion to lobby members of Congress, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. I don't know what the sum was in the UK, but with the looks of it, it was a substantial amount.

  • cmnimo

    23 December 2011 11:43PM

    I start seeing all sorts of complicated symbolic bollocks.....

    Don't be so mean to yourself.

    Nothing wrong with your analysis. Without it I'd never have found the bishop. Also cartoonists rely on visual references... like fat cats. Always open to reinterpretation and all adds to the mix.

  • BadDog

    23 December 2011 11:43PM

    Mr Bell.

    Please have a look at the front cover of Private Eye to see a decent example of a political cartoon incorporating the nativity scene.

    The cartoon is by Mr Rowson, not Mr Bell.

    There is a clue to this in the title at the top of the page, where it says in big letters "Martin Rowson's coalition and City nativity – cartoon"

    It also has his name next to his photograph just underneath. He has also signed the cartoon.

    I have the latest edition of Private Eye. This cartoon, in my opinion, is superior to one on their front cover.

    As I said to to bill4me at 10:05PM

    Seeing that you dislike Martin Rowson's cartoons so much, I assume you clicked the link to it by mistake?

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