Beyoncé Gives Birth; Jay Z Raps About It (Listen)

Author: Steve Woods
Published: January 09, 2012 at 1:26 pm

It didn't take long for proud daddy Jay-Z to pen a rap song about his beautiful wife Beyoncé and their new bundle of joy, Blue Ivy Carter.

Just 48 hours after the world-renown diva delivered baby Blue via c-section in a Paris hospital, Jay-Z (born Shawn Corey Carter) recorded Glory, a new song with a great deal of biographical background to the musical power couple's new addition.

Jay-Z x B.I.C. “Glory” by DJ Square Biz

The song mentions a previous heart-wrenching miscarriage for the couple, as well as states his love and pride for both baby and wife. "You're the child of destiny, you're the child of my destiny, you're my child with the child from Destiny's child, that's a helluva recipe."

You can listen to the song right here on Technorati, or find it on Jay Z's site Life + Times, where he gives co-credit to B.I.C. (his new baby's initials), along with an image of the Empire State Building lit up in blue (of course.)

Perhaps the co-creator credits are a hint that Jay Z sees a musical future for little baby Blue, calling her "the most beautiful thing in this world."

We understand the feeling, Jay Z.


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Article Author: Steve Woods

Progressive, writer, fiance, father, friend, technophile, foodie, magnet for inappropriate relationships.

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