Today on Technorati

Top blogs

Top 5 risers
  1. 57 The Windows Blog Authority: 747 moved up 4 places 4
  2. 99 Authority: 716 moved up 7 places 7
  3. 80 Taegan Goddard's Political … Authority: 730 moved up 5 places 5
  4. 66 The Opinionator Authority: 740 moved up 5 places 5
  5. 38 BGR Authority: 768 moved up 2 places 2
Top 5 fallers
  1. 78 The Volokh Conspiracy Authority: 731 moved down -10 places -10
  2. 93 Consumerist Authority: 721 moved down -8 places -8
  3. 59 Infowars Authority: 746 moved down -7 places -7
  4. 80 City Room Authority: 730 moved down -4 places -4
  5. 69 ArtsBeat Authority: 739 moved down -8 places -8

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