The Two-Way

In Alaska: Nome Waits For Fuel; Cordova Digs Out From 18 Feet Of Snow()  

They're running out of places to put the snow in Cordova, Alaska. This photo was taken on Saturday (Jan. 7, 2012).

January 9, 2012 Cordova is bracing for even more snow. In Nome, residents are hoping a U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker will be able to lead a Russian tanker into port within a day or two. Such a delivery hasn't been made before in winter.



Jon Huntsman

Huntsman's Long-Shot Bet: A Surprise In N.H.()  

Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman campaigns from the counter at the Bean Towne Coffee House & Cafe in Hampstead, N.H., on Jan. 8. Polls show Huntsman gaining on front-runner Mitt Romney ahead of Tuesday's primary.

January 9, 2012 Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman bypassed Iowa's Jan. 3 primary to focus on Tuesday's competition in New Hampshire. Now, the latest polls suggest that he could be gaining ground in the Granite State. "You've got to beat market expectations," Huntsman tells NPR's Robert Siegel.



Middle East

Israel Cracks Down on Radical 'Hilltop Youth'()  

A Jewish settler wears his prayer shawl as he passes one of the structures demolished at the unauthorized Jewish settlement outpost in Ramat Migron, in the West Bank, on Sept. 5, 2011. Israel's radical Hilltop Youth have built numerous such outposts in recent years.

January 9, 2012 The Hilltop Youth have been establishing unauthorized outposts in the West Bank for years. The Israeli government rarely took action until a group damaged an Israeli military base last month.



Digital Life

Seeking Female Founders In The Tech Startup Scene()  

The founders of startup accelerator Women Innovate Mobile (clockwise from top right: Deborah Jackson, Kelly Hoey and Veronika Sonsev) aim to boost the profile of tech companies founded by women.

January 9, 2012 The founders of Google, Facebook and Twitter are all male. Only 4 percent of one high-profile tech incubator's grants went to groups with a female founder. But the leader of a new startup accelerator for women says, "That next visionary is ... going to be wearing a skirt and a great pair of shoes."




Iran Cultivates Friends In Washington's Backyard()  

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waves as he is welcomed by Venezuelan Vice President Elias Jaua (at right, wearing glasses and tie) at the airport in Caracas on Sunday. Ahmadinejad is on a five-day tour aimed at shoring up ties in Latin America.

January 9, 2012 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, is turning to allies in Latin America for diplomatic support, as Iran grows increasingly isolated over its nuclear program. He is visiting Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador — all left-leaning nations that are sharply critical of U.S. foreign policy.



Planet Money

People Want More Coins, That's A Good Sign For The Economy()  

Demand for quarter, dimes, nickels, and pennies was up this year.

January 9, 2012 The United States Mint says demand for quarter, dimes, nickels, and pennies was up this year. During the financial crisis, demand for coins hit record lows as people dug into their piggy banks and coin jars for extra cash.




Supreme Court Hears Texas Redistricting Case()  

The Supreme Court heard arguments for a case that pits the rights of minority voters under the Voting Rights Act against the powers of the state Legislature.

January 9, 2012 The justices tried to untangle a three-court knot. The case tests the allocation of four new congressional seats that were created largely because of that state's booming Latino population. But it could have nationwide repercussions.



Shots - Health Blog

Why Millions Of Prescriptions Will No Longer Be Filled At Walgreens()  

A customer walks out of a Walgreens store in New York City.

January 9, 2012 Starting this year, many Americans may be surprised to find that their local Walgreens or Duane Reade is no longer in their insurance network. That's because of a dispute between two health care giants. If the back of your insurance card says Express Scripts, you are affected.



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