In a move that came a little out of the blue for us, OnLive has announced that it will be launching a new app for the iPad which will allow users to stream an entire Windows 7 desktop experience to their tablet.

Nokia is going big with the whole Windows Phone thing, which is probably something to do with that infamous deal it struck with Microsoft last year. As part of the Finnish firm’s newfound love for all things Windows Phone, Nokia has now announced its first WP7 handset to be made available in the United States.

Probably one of the most talked about features on the latest iteration of the Android operating system is the facial recognition unlock software that comes bundled with it. The ability to use your own face to unlock your mobile telephone or tablet is one of the coolest new updates we have seen implemented into a mobile operating system in recent times, but questions will always surround how secure this actually is.

Many of us – in fact the majority of the developed world – depend on computers for a large portion of our day-to-day tasks. From word processing to video editing, there’s always a task for which we are indebted to our desktops in helping us complete.

GIF files provide a happy median between video and image. The web is strewn with them, and let’s face it – there’s little more entertaining than a witty, well-timed .gif.

In the November of last year, Apple seeded the initial beta release of iOS 5.1, which as usual was available to registered members of the iOS developer program. The first beta build of 5.1 (9B5117b) was available as download for the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2 and the third and fourth generations of iPod touch.

I never thought that this would be something I’d ever say, but the device that changed my life celebrates its fifth birthday today. Yes, the retroactively named original, or ’2G’ Phone was first announced by an enthusiastic Steve Jobs during a keynote speech at the Macworld Conference & Expo on January 9th 2007.

The video sharing website, Vimeo, recently turned seven years old, and although in some peoples eyes it may sit in the shadow of Google’s YouTube, its rise to importance on the world wide web has been dramatic. The website was founded in late 2004 by two partners and was intended to be a place solely for the uploading of user made videos. The name ‘Vimeo’ is said to reflect this with it being a combination of the words ‘video’ and ‘me’.

Regardless of you opinion on whether or not people should jailbreak their devices, one thing I’m sure we can all agree on is that we have seen the rise of some great development talent due to the community that has been created around the art of jailbreaking. The innovation, creativity and dedication that goes into producing some of the finest tools and utilities that exist within Cydia is commendable, even more so when you consider that a good proportion of them are available free of charge.

Apple’s Magic Trackpad is a loathe it or love it kinda thing. While some just can’t live without its free-scrolling, flicking and pointing abilities, some see it as a step down from the traditional mouse. Something that should be consigned to laptops, if you will.

Ultrabooks are something of a new breed, with Apple’s MacBook Air their forefather. While we have had netbooks for a few years now, they’ve historically been underpowered, cheap and not always cheerful machines that were only there to fill a purpose until the tablets came along.

One thing technology is brilliant for, is making our lives easier. I believe firmly that technology should exist to make our lives simpler, and in no way should complicate it. Some of the greatest technological innovations and breakthroughs have been born out necessity, after all, there is no better reason that I know of to produce an innovative product or piece of software. Technology plays such a vital role in our everyday lives, with computers, smartphones and other intelligent devices handling an increasing number of our daily tasks.

Regardless of whether or not you are a gamer, I am sure you are aware of the astronomical rise in popularity of video games in the last decade. In 2007 the estimated vale of the worldwide gaming industry was approximately $41.9 billion, with that total expected to rise at a rate of 9.1% annually. To give some scale as to how far the industry has come, in 1982 the gaming sector was valued at $1.5 billion, in 1990 it was $4.7 billion, in 1997 it was $7 billion and in 2004 it had risen dramatically but was still only valued at $25.4 billion.

Can you imagine a world where we could create a living version of both a typical iOS and Android user then pit them against each in various tasks to find out once and for all which the is the best operating system? Yeah, that would be pretty sensational, but unfortunately it isn’t going to happen, not anytime soon anyway. The people at BlueStacks have come up with, in my opinion, is the next best thing by creating the rather odd looking ‘Mr. Android’.

We opened the door to 2012 just over a week ago, and already we have been treated to some tantalizing technology goodness in the form of rumors, announcements of future releases and also some official press releases about delicious new products. One such delicious product was announced two days ago by Tokyo based Nikon, who have officially introduced the world to their new Digital-SLR camera, the D4.

Have you ever wanted to make your own GIF image? You know, those lulzy, short animated images that are so popular on the internet? While there are ways to make one on the desktop using Photoshop or GIMP, these methods aren’t all that simple. If you have an Android device ready, you can use an app like GifStitch to, well, stitch together a bunch of images to create your very own GIF! Details and a little how-to tutorial available after the jump!

With the App Store numbers fast approaching the million mark and 64GB of storage available across the board, it’s pretty easy to accumulate page upon page of SpringBoard icons as we continually binge on the many great titles available.

The chances are that you can relate with this situation. You’ve got your expensive smartphone, 3G modem or whatnot, and it’s somehow ended up submerged in the nearest puddle/bath/wash basin or worse. So, what do you do next? Get on the phone to your insurer?

It seems like a technological version of Top Trumps, with the two biggest mobile operating systems going head to head, battling each other on a topic which is of the utmost important in this day and age when we all consume and handle so much sensitive data – security! When new Apple CEO Tim Cook took the stage in October of last year for iPhone 4S keynote, he took the opportunity to slip in a few statistics relating to the worldwide adoption of iOS devices.

As much as I love iOS and the devices that it runs on, as a user I have always felt there has been certain aspects of the operating system and the native application experience which are fundamentally broken. In previous articles I have discussed my love of the Photos applications that comes preinstalled on iOS, and the problems that it comes with. Well now it is the turn of the native Messages application to get the same treatment.

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