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  • Featured News Politics Mitt Romney: More Friends Than You Have!

    Mitt Romney: More Friends Than You Have!

    All (political) eyes are fixed on the GOP Presidential Primaries. After a narrow win of only eight votes by Mitt Romney over Rick Santorum in the Iowa Caucus, the Romney Campaign starts to truly ramp up their support. Since 2008 Mitt Romney has been building his network of politicians, volunteers, and powerful friends. Now with the Primaries reaching full swing, he is calling on all of these connections. The Romney headquarters in Manchester New Hampshire is full of volunteers making [...]

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  • Business Featured News U.S. News Shrinking Unemployment Hints At Economic Recovery

    Shrinking Unemployment Hints At Economic Recovery

    The economy gains steam as unemployment rates fall a fifth of a percentage point in one month.  If the trend continues it may seriously hamper a republican bid for presidency. National unemployment fell to 8.5% in December, dropping from 8.7% in November.  The falling rate corresponds to a healthy 200,000 new jobs added last month.  These figures were brought to the public by the Bureau of Labor Statistics at 8:30 this morning, Friday, January 6, 2012. Falling unemployment rates suggest [...]

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  • Featured News Odd + Funny Tower of Babel: Artifacts Analyzed that Support Biblical Stories

    Tower of Babel: Artifacts Analyzed that Support Biblical Stories

    From the Book of Genesis, the Tower of Babel was a major construct that left the early biblical figures stumbling over their own inabilities to communicate. Now, a recent discovery may give clues to what those in the Tower were talking about. Digging into the past to help understand the present and plan for the future is one of the main principles of archeology. Sometimes, digging into the ground seems like a lot more difficult and time consuming practice when [...]

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  • Featured News Health & Lifestyle Playground Progress: Active Children More Likely to Succeed in School

    Playground Progress: Active Children More Likely to Succeed in School

    We all know how important it is for young minds and bodies to be active. Recent studies have shown that children who are given play time and are encouraged to be active are more successful in their academic worlds. In a recent study by a VU University in the Netherlands, senior researcher, Amika Singh, has revealed new information about the importance of physical activity, specifically in young children. Singhs research, which was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent [...]

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  • Featured News China Announces Ambitious Plan for Space

    China Announces Ambitious Plan for Space

    China released plans that it intends on putting laboratories in space with the eventual goal of sending a man to the moon.  The news comes as America scales back its own space program. There was a time when residents of Brevard County, Florida could sit in a beach chair by the Atlantic Ocean and watch a manned-shuttle launch from a platform at Kennedy Space Center.  But that space-train left six months ago, and if Americans want to watch a manned [...]

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