One Simple Way to Plan Great Posts, Step by Step

Do you run out of ideas when you’re writing a post? Or do you find that you go down a huge tangent part-way through? Planning your posts helps to keep them on track from start to end. A good plan doesn’t take long – but it saves you a lot of time in rewriting and [...]

Google Walks Its Talk and Penalizes Itself

If you haven’t been following the news lately, this week there was a heated discussion about a marketing campaign that Google carried out to promote its Chrome browser. Basically Google hired a marketing company to promote some web videos, and that company in turn hired bloggers to post the videos (obviously paying them). The problem emerged with some SEOs noticed the campaign and found a couple of those bloggers using dofollow links to the Chrome homepage, which in theory if a violation of Google’s guidelines.

Why Non-Disclosed Sponsored Posts Are a Bad Idea

Alan Freed, the DJ who popularized the term rock n’ roll died broke; the immortal Dick Clark was hauled before a federal committee; and the entire music industry was shaken to the core by the payola scandals of the early Sixties. The then-common practice of recording companies paying popular DJs to spin specific cuts was found to be in violation of the US Federal Communications Act sections 317 and 507 which requires full disclosure of pay for play.

Increasing Your Blog Traffic with SlideShare

If I were to ask you about expanding your content marketing efforts for your blog, and chose you to pick a single “untapped” platform, what would you say?

Obviously it’s not things like Twitter or Facebook, and even videos on YouTube are getting utilized by more and more bloggers each day.

HostGator Coupon for 2012

If you are not happy with your current web hosting company this is a good time to make a switch. First of all because traffic levels are low (i.e., people are in vacation), so getting some downtime wouldn’t hurt your website that much. Second because many hosting companies are releasing new 2012 coupons and discounts.

How to Write With Your Reader in Mind: Three Crucial Points to Consider

Without readers, your blog is nothing more than a personal journal. That’s fine if you’re blogging in order to establish a writing practice or to create a body of work – but it’s not so great if you’re hoping to make money or build up a reputation in your field.

Best of Daily Blog Tips in 2011

First of all I wish an awesome 2012 for all the DBT readers. I am sure you’ll all achieve your goals in this coming year (and I’ll make sure to keep publishing tips to help you with the online part of those goals!).

Is Tech Blogging Dying or Evolving?

According to Jeremiah Owyang, a tech and market analyst, it is. He published a post titled End of an Era: The Golden Age of Tech Blogging is Over, which is gaining a lot of attention lately, mainly for the controversy it generates.

Have You Played with Google Insights Already?

Where do you go if you want to find whether the interest around a particular name or keyword is increasing or decreasing lately? Most people would say Google Trends. While this is a pretty neat tool, I think Google offers an even neater one.

Winterizing Your Blog (And Yourself!)

December can be a slow month for blogs. A lot of people seem to lose energy and trail off in their posting. With the holidays coming up and the weather getting colder, it’s easy to do.

Use a Content Production Line for Fast, Effective Writing

What does your blog-post writing process look like? For many bloggers, it’s something like this: Think “I really should write a post today…” Make a coffee, tidy the desk, check emails, check Twitter Open up a blank document Stare at the screen for a while … and so on. If you’re lucky, you come up [...]

How to Increase Blog Revenue with Retargeting

Retargeting is one of the fastest growing forms of paid advertising on the Internet.

What is it? Retargeting is the process of serving ads to past visitors of your website. As a website owner, you can put a little snippet of Javascript on your website that anonymously drops a tag in each visitor’s browser. Within an ad network, you can then bid to show ads to all of your past visitors.

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