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Protection of Freedoms Bill Lords

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What's On

Tuesday 24 April 2012

House of Commons

Main Chamber

Time Business
2:30pm Oral Questions

HM Treasury, including Topical Questions

Ten Minute Rule Motion - Philip Davies

Food Labelling (Halal and Kosher Meat)

Consideration of any Lords amendments

Relating to Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993


EU directive on data protection in the areas of police and criminal justice


General debate on the National Planning Policy framework

Adjournment - Mr Richard Bacon

Jobs at Group Lotus

Westminster Hall

Time Business
9:30am - 11:00am Richard Graham

School Funding

11:00am - 12:30pm Jim Shannon

Human rights in Uganda

12:30pm - 1:00pm Julian Smith

Future of the Association of Chief Police Officers

1:00pm - 1:30pm Sandra Osborne

Government policy on the Equality and Human Rights Commission

1:30pm - 2:00pm John Stevenson

Procurement of local services and goods by local authorities

General Committee

Time Business
10:30am - Room 10, Palace of Westminster Finance (No.4) Bill Committee

to consider the Bill

Select Committee

Time Business
9:30am - Room 15, Palace of Westminster Education

The responsibilities of the Secretary of State for Education - Rt Hon Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education

10:00am - The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House Treasury

Credit Rating Agencies - Moritz Kraemer, Managing Director and Head of the Sovereign Ratings Group for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Standard and Poor's, David Riley, Managing Director, Sovereign & Supranational Ratings, Fitch Ratings, Alastair Wilson, Chief Credit Officer, Moody's

10:10am - Room 8, Palace of Westminster Transport

Road Safety - Jon Snow, newscaster and cycling advocate, James Harding, Editor, The Times, and Josie Dew, author and cycling advocate; Mike Penning MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, and Norman Baker MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport (at 11.00 am)

10:15am - Room 17, Palace of Westminster Energy and Climate Change

The impact of potential Scottish independence on energy and climate change - Citigroup Global Markets, Energy Technologies Institute, E.ON-UK, Mercados EMI, and National Grid

10:30am - Room 5, Palace of Westminster International Development

TAX IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: INCREASING RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT - At 10.30 am Glencore International plc • Tim Scott, Global Head of Tax Mopani Copper Mines PLC • Emmanuel Mutati, Board Chairman SABMiller plc • Graham Mackay, Chief Executive Business and Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) • Christopher Lenon, Chairman, Tax and Fiscal Affairs Committee at 11.30 am Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative • Eddie Rich, Deputy Head and Regional Director (Southern and Eastern Africa and the Middle East) International Centre for Tax and Development • Dr. Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Research Director Tax Justice Network • John Christiensen, Director

10:30am - Room 6, Palace of Westminster Business, Innovation and Skills

Trade and Investment: Brazil - Dr Andrew Jones, Managing Director of Planning, Design and Development, Aecom Europe, Richard Lapper, Financial Times, Roy McGowan, Director, Steer Davies Gleave, and Martin Raven, Former UKTI Director in Sao Paulo currently Vice Chairman of TheCityUK Brazil Group and voluntary Council member of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain

10:30am - Room 16, Palace of Westminster Public Administration

Operation of the Honours System - Sir Garth Morrison, KT, CBE, DL, Lord Lieutenant for East Lothian; and David Briggs, Lord Lieutenant for Cheshire

10:45am - Room 5, Palace of Westminster Foreign Affairs

The role and future of the Commonwealth - Ms Ruth Lea, Arbuthnot Banking Group; Mr Mark Robinson, Chair (UK), Commonwealth Consortium for Education (CCfE)(at 11.15 am); Dr Danny Sriskandarajah, Director, Royal Commonwealth Society (at 11.45 am).

11:30am - The Grimond Room, Portcullis House Home Affairs

Drugs - Russell Brand and Chip Somers, Chief Executive, Focus12; Mary Brett, Kathy Gyngell and Peter Hitchens (at 12 noon)

12:30pm - The Grimond Room, Portcullis House Home Affairs

The Work of the Home Secretary - Rt Hon Theresa May MP, Home Secretary

2:20pm - Room 8, Palace of Westminster Joint Committee on Human Rights

The role and independence of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England - Dr Maggie Atkinson, Children's Commissioner for England, and Sue Berelowitz Deputy Children's Commissioner; Sarah Teather, Minister of State for Children and Families, Department for Education (at 3.00 pm)

House of Lords

Main Chamber

Time Business
2:30pm Oral Questions - Baroness Gardner of Parkes

Reducing the number of uninsured drivers and the use of unregistered vehicles

Oral Questions - Lord Sheldon

Status of the national museums and galleries in England

Oral Questions - Lord Kakkar

Proposals for reform of the House of Lords

Oral Questions - Lord Northbrook

Extending the standard rate of VAT to alterations to listed places of worship

Legislation - Lord Wallace of Tankerness
Legislation - Lord Henley
Legislation - Lord Sassoon

Grand Committee

Select Committee

Time Business
10:30am - Room 4, Palace of Westminster Science and Technology

- This is a private meeting.

10:30am - Room 3, Palace of Westminster Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade (EU Sub-Committee A)

- This is a private meeting.

2:00pm - Room 5, Palace of Westminster Human Rights Joint Committee

- (at 2.20pm) Dr Maggie Atkinson, The Children's Commissioner for England and Sue Berelowitz, Deputy Children's Commissioner; and (at 3.00pm) Sarah Teather MP, Minister of State for Children and Families, Department for Education. Subject: The role and independence of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England.

3:15pm - Room 2, Palace of Westminster Communications

Superfast Broadband - (at 3.30pm) Mr Chris Holden, Chair - Policy & Regulation Experts Group, FTTH Council Europe; and Mr Robert Kenny, Founder, Communications Chambers.

3:15pm - Room 3, Palace of Westminster Science and Technology: Sub-Committee I

Higher Education in STEM Subjects - (at 3.25pm) Professor Clifford Friend, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Cranfield University; Professor David Bogle, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Head of UCL Graduate School; and Professor Andrew George, Professor of Molecular Immunology and Director of the Graduate School and the School of Professional Development, Imperial College London.

3:30pm - Room 1, Palace of Westminster Economic Affairs

- This is a private meeting.

3:30pm - Room 3A, Palace of Westminster Merits of Statutory Instruments

Draft British Waterways Board (Transfer of Functions) Order 2012; Draft Inland Waterways Advisory Council (Abolition) Order 2012 - (at 3.45pm) Richard Benyon MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Natural Environment and Fisheries; John Kittmer, Deputy Director, Inland Waterways; Robin Evans, Chief Executive of British Waterways and Chief Executive designate of Canal and River Trust; and Nigel Johnson, Legal Director and Corporate Services Director of British Waterways and Company Secretary to Canal and River Trust.

4:00pm - Room 4, Palace of Westminster European Union

- This is a private meeting.

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