Feature: Mind, Body, Soul

How's Your Resolution Coming?

Author: Stefania LaTorre
Published: January 09, 2012 at 6:40 pm

This year I will lose weight. This year I will quit smoking. This year I will move to Bali. Every year we all make claims to improve our lives in some way. However for most of us that goes right out the window before February. That crash diet suddenly includes Chinese food and pizza. We decide instead of quitting smoking, we'll just cut back. We don't actually move to Bali.

Last year my resolution was to move to Italy. I did it. The year before was to stop sleeping with my ex. I didn't. And still haven't. The year before was to grow my shoe collection to over 100 shoes. I had over 120 pairs of shoes before I moved to Italy. This year my resolution is to finish a work project that I have been working on for about 3 years. So far I haven't started. But I'll get there.

The key to sticking to your new year's resolution is to make it realistic. Instead of saying I will lose 40 lbs (remember 2 lbs per week is considered healthy), make your resolution that you will eat healthier and work out twice a week. You will achieve the same result only by changing your habits, not with some crash diet that leaves you starving all the time. And if you really want to quit smoking, just quit. Those that are successful at quitting smoking are those who actually want to quit. Not those who do it out of obligation. And if you really want to move to Bali then move. But have a back up plan.

As this new year of 2012 starts, look at your goals. What do you want to accomplish this year and is it realistic? How are you going to get it done? What do you need to get it done? What's stopping you from getting it done? What are some of your resolutions for this year?


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Article Author: Stefania LaTorre

I have been writing for the last 4 years blogging and writing newsletters for small companies. I also handle social media including facebook and twitter for companies as well. I am originally from New York but have recently moved to Rome to experience …

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