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Reader Comments (119)

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:26PM Vund said

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I wish. Stuff like this happens all the time though.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:30PM Secolliyn said

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Ya but think about it this means that signage was printed and shipped to the store and a set up planogram was issued it's not like these signs get printed up everyday i do hope this is real and i am at this time going to assume it is so i will have to save some money so i can get this game when it comes out@Vund

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:34PM BlobDude said

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@Vund Stuff like this doesn't really happen all the time, though. A retailer's not going to go to all the effort of manufacturing full-size endcaps with built-in countdown timers unless they're really REALLY sure that that date is solid.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:16PM Bouillestfu said

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@Secolliyn In all fairness if this is so legit why is February spelled wrong?

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:17PM Vund said

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I share your optimism and I agree it is unusual for a physical medium like a poster to leak the release date but definitely not the first time for a retailer:




Just to name a few. All this effort went into making these posters, how did nobody recall them or correct it if it really isn't the date?


Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:56PM Zetro said

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@Bouillestfu Aww man, that kinds just killed my hopes :C

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 10:30PM quam02 said

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@BlobDude You say stuff like this doesn't happen all the time, which is true BUT most of the time they spell check signs before they release them with FEBRUARY spelled "Feburary". Just sayin

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 11:39PM Nolan North said

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I don't know about that GTA V one, less than 3 months from now? It wasn't even announced until like a month ago.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 11:57PM (Unverified) said

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Great catch. A little hard to see with the glare there, but it clearly reads "Feburary". Now, what's more likely...people doing a great fake-job and forgetting spell-check, or a simply spelling error where PR folks are more concerned with the accuracy of the number following the misspelled word...

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 1:20AM BlobDude said

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@Vund I didn't quite phrase that right, I suppose. What I was saying was that this kind of thing doesn't really happen AND it ends up being a mistake.

Aside from that GTAV thing, which I didn't see anywhere but that spot and just seems like random placeholder date that GameStop has in the system, those other two were correct confirmations of release dates. MW3 did in fact come out on November 8, and Mass Effect 3 is in fact coming out on March 6.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 2:37AM NickCanDigIt said

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@Vund re: GTA 5

I worked at GameStop; those lists change all the time. Usually the corporate office would put the first Tuesday of whatever month sounded promising.

If I recall correctly Diablo 3 was listed for December 6th 2011 back in the summer.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 1:38PM (Unverified) said

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If Blizzard is so legit, why did the end text for the Missing Diplomat questline (the end text updated for Cataclysm) tell players to go to Stormwind to see BOLVAR for a quest reward? That's a little worse than a misspelled February.

Misspelling do happen to often in these situations. Doesn't prove anything one way or the other.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:28PM xiLeShadow said

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Oh dear God. It is coming faster than I expected.

My Soul...NOOOOO

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:44PM DURDADUR said

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that's what she said...

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:39PM esbeekay said

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You're right, things like this are planned big time. Signage is a huge deal in the retail business, things like this wouldn't be made if it wasn't legit

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:30PM Shadowbender said

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Wow. That's...soon. Very soon. Didn't see this one coming.

Meanwhile, Blizzard fans spontaneously combust due to excitement overload.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:33PM catbandit said

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the countdown on that cardboard looks so official! Damnit bestbuy! If you're good for anything be good for this!

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 10:32AM Gibbeynator said

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Best Buy is going bankrupt. You don't think they'd pull a stunt like this to bring in the cash needed to stay afloat?

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 5:40PM Flapjackal said

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@Gibbeynator Pre-orders from one game are going to keep them afloat?

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 6:50PM Gibbeynator said

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If that one game is a guaranteed hit, maybe it'll keep them in business long enough to find a better solution.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 8:21PM catbandit said

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I know they got them disks back there!

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:34PM PlagueDoctor357 said

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Oh my lord. I can't wait!!

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:35PM kilroy214 said

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Starcraft: Ghost once had a release date like unto this if I'm not mistaken. Look what happened there....

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 6:25PM AwakePlace said

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@kilroy214 One might even say it... disappeared!

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:37PM ironneko said

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That doesn't leave them with much time to deal with the Korean issues. No wonder they've sent three builds already.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:42PM SgtDookie said

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This looks too legit for me not to get excited,that means if it turns out to not happen i will be equally disappointed.Im not sure im prepared to handle that level of disappointment.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:42PM darkinchworm said

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I would think that we'd have more official word on this given that the beginning of February is in LESS THAN A MONTH. What the hell?

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:45PM KenobiEagle said

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@darkinchworm THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. Seriously. It feels REALLY all of a sudden. I've never heard of going from "we have no idea when the game will launch" to "game is coming out today!" in about a month's time.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:44PM Electrium said

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I have such a hunch that the reason the console versions of Diablo 3 are so "hush-hush" is because they'll launch on next -gen hardware.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:17PM hotstew said

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@Electrium I have a hunch that you're full of shit. It will at least take another year for Microsoft and Sony to release their next consoles since they haven't even announced them yet. In addition to that, Diablo 3 doesn't even need high-end graphics.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 10:27PM Korbie said

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I have a hunch that you're unnecessarily hostile. There's no reason to believe that the console ports can't be released later than the PC version.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 4:25AM Nolan North said

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Seriously, look at Batman Arkham City for the Wii U.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 11:18AM Jenks said

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How can someone be full of shit for having a hunch?

Not only that, but if a console version is in the pipe, it's almost definitely for the next generation of consoles. It has been repeatedly speculated that the next gen will be much better prepared to handle microtransactions in games, which I'm sure Blizzard will appreciate for their RMT auction house.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:45PM Quayle said

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EBGames / Gamestop also show February 1st


Although it only shows on the french version

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:45PM Marshillboy said

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Where's my Torchlight 2?

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 4:58AM ShadowXIII said

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So the Mayans were right?! O_o

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 5:00AM ShadowXIII said

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Sorry 'bout that...post meant for Boring K .


Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:47PM Boring K said

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Diablo III gets out before Torchlight 2? That's the world ending.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:51PM (Unverified) said

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Did they spell February wrong on the sign?

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:52PM Quayle said

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Hahah they did

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:56PM Xcrucio said

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Haha, nice catch.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:07PM Marcade said

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Yeah, makes me wonder how 'real' this is if they can't even spell 'Feburary' right.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:19PM Vund said

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To be fair, that's a hard month to spell.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 8:08AM owned2260 said

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@Vund I spelt it as Feburary until i was 15, when my teacher corrected me.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:53PM Marco le Polo said

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Someone's trolling us. I find that way to hard to believe.

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 8:56AM Code Supreme commenter said

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@Marco le Polo rar, me too. I don't want to get my hopes up oPo.

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 8:55PM Omnistatic said

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noo... no. it's too soon.. i can't cope...

... too many games ... to play... not enough ... t --- imeeeeeeeeeee

Posted: Jan 7th 2012 9:51PM darkinchworm said

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Everyone needs to stay a while and listen to this tweet

Posted: Jan 8th 2012 2:17AM The Aquacharger said

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Someone should tell him that's not a word.
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