Alleged Terrorist: “Why Not Die the Islamic Way?”

Author: Stephen Alexander
Published: January 09, 2012 at 4:18 pm

Sami Osmakac mugshotOn Monday, federal authorities said that Sami Osmakac, age 25, was charged with an alleged plot to attack crowded locations in the Greater Tampa area, including night clubs, with a car bomb, an assault rifle and other explosive devices. Mr. Osmakac is from the former Yugoslavia and his first appearance in federal court is set for Monday at 2 PM, according to the Department of Justice.

Federal authorities say Mr. Osmakac is from Pinellas County and is a naturalized United States citizen. He was charged with one count of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. The Federal Bureau of Investigations says that he was arrested on Saturday after he allegedly bought explosive devices and firearms from an undercover agent. His purchases were rendered inoperative by federal authorities prior to the sale.

Court documents say that Mr. Osmakac made a video of himself explaining his motives for carrying out the violent plot. Confidential sources told federal officials in September of 2011 that Mr. Osmakac wanted al Qaeda flags. The source went on to tell authorities that the man “discussed and identified potential targets in Tampa” that Mr. Osmakac wanted to attack.

During a meeting with an FBI agent, Mr. Osmakac allegedly told the agent that he wanted to buy an AK-47-style machine gun, Uzi submachine guns, high capacity magazines, grenades and an explosive belt. Mr. Osmakac allegedly gave the agent a $500 down payment for the items.

On January 1, Mr. Osmakac allegedly told the undercover agent that he wanted to bomb night clubs, the Operations Center of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office and a business in Tampa.

Mr. Osmakac allegedly told the undercover agent that he desired to detonate a car bomb and use the explosive belt to “get in somewhere where there's a lot of people” and take hostages. The agent allegedly told Mr. Osmakac that he could always change his mind about the plot. Mr. Osmakac allegedly responded while shaking his head in the negative, “We all have to die, so why not die the Islamic way?”


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Article Author: Stephen Alexander

A divorce & family law mediator in Florida serving the greater Tampa Bay areas of Pinellas, Hillsborough and Manatee County in the great State of Florida, a daddy, a husband, and an attorney with a Bachelor in Science in Materials Engineering and a …

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