Fun with politics and news! Covering Lol Politics and Lol News. Breaking news — lol-style.


Jan. 10, 2012

political pictures - rick santorum - San-Toe-Rum

You need to put an “X” there to block Romney’s tic-tac-toe.
You’re right, as usual.
Brilliant. Totally fricking brilliant.
You see, the object is…

(Rick Santorum)

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Jan. 9, 2012

political pictures - rick perry - GUNS

Helping paranoid Americans over-compensate since 1871

(Rick Perry)

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Picture by: Unknown


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Birthday Boy

Jan. 9, 2012

Prodigal son and current leader of North Korea Kim Jong-Un turned who-knows-what-age yesterday, Jan. 8! Now let’s all watch him ride a horse while the military raises the roof. North Korea, always a party!


Points for Creative Usage of the LOL Builder

Jan. 9, 2012

political pictures - barack obama - Points for Creative Usage of the LOL Builder

PERHAPS THE PRESIDENT we have is best after all

Picture by: Unknown


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GOP Priorities

Jan. 9, 2012

political pictures - iowa caucus - GOP Priorities

From submitter Auntiwarhol:

Turns out the Iowa Caucus really was a pretty good referendum on Republican priorities!

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Your Next President

Jan. 9, 2012

political pictures - vermin supreme - Your Next President

Pulled himself up from his boot-straps, he did.

Submitted by: Unknown


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Adventures in Hypocrisy

Jan. 9, 2012

political pictures - mitt romney - Adventures in Hypocrisy

This flier is from 2002. What a difference ten years can make.

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