Alaska Region
Conserving the Nature of America

Management In Action

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has chosen six priorities and will focus attention on them to better deliver its conservation mission of “working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” 

National Wildlife Refuge System: Conserving our Lands and Resources
In Alaska, we manage 16 national wildlife refuges, totaling more than 76 million acres and accounting for approximately 85% of the acreage of the entire National Wildlife Refuge System.  All of Alaska’s refuges are open to the public, and provide opportunities to hunt, fish, photograph wildlife, and otherwise connect with our natural world. This premiere network of lands and waters is dedicated to wildlife conservation.

Landscape Conservation: Working with Others
In Alaska, we work with partners to conserve our nation’s wildlife and its habitat for the enjoyment and benefit of the American people. By developing and implementing landscape approaches to habitat conservation, we address such current and emerging conservation issues as climate change. This cooperative natural resource management process enhances our ability to conserve the right habitats in the right places with the right partners.  It’s both easy and rewarding to get involved.

Migratory Birds: Conservation and Management
In Alaska we monitor, study, and manage loons, seabirds, waterfowl, raptors, shorebirds, land birds, and their habitats to ensure the health of our wild birds and provide the public with opportunities for birding, bird-feeding, and hunting. 

Threatened and Endangered Species; Achieving Recovery and Preventing Extinction
Thanks to its wealth of wild and relatively pristine habitat, Alaska has fewer species requiring protection by the Endangered Species Act than do most other states. We work very hard, with partners, to maintain the healthy populations we do have and to prevent the extinction of, and achieve recovery for, the unique and imperiled species that are found in our state.

Aquatic Resources: National Fish Habitat Action Plan and Trust Species
In Alaska, healthy fish habitat provides clean water, protects coastal areas from flooding, and creates commercial and recreational opportunities; contributing to both human health and the health of our economy.  The National Fish Habitat Action Plan encourages partnerships to accomplish all of the above. 

Connecting People with Nature: Ensuring the Future of Conservation
In Alaska, we work to increase opportunities for people to discover, interact with, and enjoy the natural world around us.  Whether such connections take place on schoolyards, in the wilderness of our national wildlife refuges, or in neighborhood parks, the future of America’s conservation ethic depends on the ability of future generations to appreciate and enjoy the benefits of nature. 


Last Updated: December 29, 2010