Rocky Mountain Research Station
Contact Information
  • Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • 240 West Prospect
  • Fort Collins, CO 80526
  • (970) 498-1100
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Climate Change

2009 Climate Change Research Strategy

2009 Climate Change Research Strategy

The Rocky Mountain Research Station's 2009 Climate Change Research Strategy highlights the station's climate change research and science delivery capacity to support the needs of it clients and partners.

For more information on the station's climate change effort, please contact any member of our climate change coordination team listed below.

  • Internal Science Activity Integration and Collaboration—Cindy Swanson (406-329-3388, cswanson[at]
  • External Partnerships and Science Management Coordination—Jan Engert (970-498-1377, jengert[at]
  • Technical Science Lead—Linda Joyce (970-498-2560, ljoyce[at]
  • Reporting, Accountability and Staff Support—Jennifer Hayes (970-498-1349, jenniferhayes[at]

Climate Change Resource Center

The Climate Change Resource Center is a reference Web site for resource managers and decision makers who need information and tools to address climate change in planning and project implementation on lands in the West. Changing climates have already catalyzed changes in environments throughout the West, and future effects are expected to be greater. Although future scenarios are daunting, managers can do much to promote adaptation to climate change and encourage reduction of human effects on climate.

National Leadership Roles

In collaborations with the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest Research Stations, and university partners, the Rocky Mountain Research Station has taken key leadership roles in catalyzing coordinated and integrated research to develop information and tools to support land management and planning under climate change. More

Effects on Ecosystems and People

The diversity of environmental conditions across the RMRS territory — with landscapes from the Mexican border to the Canadian border — serves as a laboratory for studying climate change in the Interior West. Rocky Mountain Research Station scientists are studying climate as it influences plants, animals, ecosystems, disturbance patterns, and social and economic systems. This research supports land management and planning needs for addressing climate change. More

FY 2010-2011 Climate Change Investments and Outcomes

An overview of the station's FY 2010-11 climate change efforts is presented here.

Natural Resources and Climate Change Workshop

The Natural Resources and Climate Change Workshop focused on climate change, water resources, species and ecosystem modeling, and land use change in the west. View the presentations.


Contact Linda Joyce for additional information.