Arctic sea ice concentration
Monthly-averaged percent sea ice concentration for September 2007 derived from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS passive microwave data.
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Northern Hemisphere spatial coverage
Polar spatial coverage map for the Northern Hemisphere for the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) instrument.
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Snow melt onset
1998 snow melt onset over Arctic sea ice from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS brightness temperatures.
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Southern Hemisphere spatial coverage
Polar spatial coverage map for the Southern Hemisphere for the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) instrument.
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Arctic sea ice concentration map
Northern Hemisphere spatial coverage map
Snow melt over sea ice map
Southern Hemisphere spatial coverage map


NSIDC provides a large number of data sets in the polar stereographic projection, including brightness temperature and sea ice products.

NSIDC's polar stereographic projection specifies a projection plane or grid tangent to the Earth's surface at 70 degrees northern and southern latitude. While this increases the distortion at the poles by six percent and decreases the distortion at the grid boundaries by the same amount, the latitude of 70 degrees was selected so that little or no distortion would occur in the marginal ice zone.

This Web site provides information on NSIDC's polar stereographic projection. The pages of this Web site can be accessed with the navigation to the left. The Data Sets page describes NSIDC's current polar stereographic data product holdings. The Documentation: Polar Stereographic Projection and Grid Web page explain the projection in detail. For a listing of tools that work with NSIDC's polar stereographic data products, see the Tools page. For references see the Published Research page.