Snow, sea ice, and age
Snow extent, sea ice concentration, and age layers for 03 February 2002.
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Polar grids
Grid extents for SSM/I, TOVS Polar (purple box), and AVHRR (orange box).
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12-month averages
12-month average probability of occurrence of sea ice extent frequency from 1978-2005
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Sample browse image
Northern Hemisphere SSM/I brightness temperature data (descending passes only) for 01 January 2008
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Snow, sea ice, age layers
Polar grids
12-month-average maps
Sample browse image


What is EASE-Grid? The Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid (EASE-Grid) is intended to be a versatile format for global-scale gridded data, specifically remotely sensed data, although it has gained popularity as a common gridding scheme for other data as well. Data from various sources can be expressed as digital arrays of varying grid resolutions, which are defined in relation to one of three possible projections: Northern and Southern Hemisphere (Lambert's equal-area, azimuthal) and full global (cylindrical, equal-area); see Figure 1. With EASE-Grid, visualization and intercomparison operations are greatly simplified, making analysis and intercomparison more convenient.

There are two versions of EASE-Grid; the first was defined in 1992 and has been used for many data sets, while EASE-Grid 2.0 was defined in 2011 and is recommended for new data sets. For detailed documentation on each, see the Format Description page. For a comparison of the two versions, see the Versions page. See the Data Sets page for a list of data sets in the EASE-Grid format. 

EASE-Grid projections

The EASE-Grid Projections
The Northern Hemisphere (top left), the Southern Hemisphere (top right) and global (bottom). EASE-Grid users may specify any subset area of these projections and any grid resolution.