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Water Level Tidal Predictions

This system will allow you to obtain tidal predictions computed by CO-OPS for more than 3000 water level stations. The publication of full daily predictions is limited to fewer stations. These stations with full daily predictions are referred to as "reference stations". The remaining stations are referred to as "subordinate stations". Tidal predictions for the subordinate stations can be obtained by applying specific differences to the times and heights of tides of the specified reference stations.

These pages provide a listing of the 3000 plus subordinate stations with the differences already applied. These differences are located in the prediction header. The list of subordinate stations has been broken down into states and other areas where there are water level stations. Each state is further broken down into regions. Each region presents a list of the water level stations in the area. The stations are listed geographically; thus, stations that are near each other along the shoreline are near each other in the listing. This simplifies locating a station of interest.

Bookmarks/links may be created to the daily predictions for specific stations using the URL listed when the predictions for that station are displayed. Bookmarks/links may also be created to the station listings for a region. However, that bookmark/link will only provide access to the predictions for the year available when the bookmark/link was created. Each successive year of predictions will use a different URL, and thus any bookmarks/links must be updated to access each new year of predictions.

A description of the information provided in this section can be found by "clicking" on one of the Question Mark found throughout the listing of subordinate stations.

 Important Notice
This service of the NOAA Tides & Currents website will not be available after the 2011 calendar year.

Tide predictions for 2011 and future dates are now available from the NOAA Tide Predictions service.

This new service allows tide predictions to be generated for up to 2 years in advance, provides a graphical display as well as tabular listing of the predicted tides, has options for downloading or printing, and a number of other features.


Click HERE for 2011 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2010 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2009 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2008 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2007 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2006 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2005 Tidal Predictions

Click HERE for 2004 Tidal Predictions

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