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LANDFIRE National Alaska Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Frank  Fay (US Forest Service,
Distribution Contact(s): Jennifer  Northway (Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Fire Service (AFS),
Publisher: Joint Fire Science Program and the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
Recording Date:
March  16,  2011
This two part webinar series focused on LANDFIRE National products that are currently available to Alaska. The scope and schedule of the LANDFIRE Refresh project will also be briefly discussed along with many other interesting topics. Part 1 of the webinar series focused on: 1) overview on history of work and coordination with Alaska; 2) data sets used in developing LANDFIRE National Alaska products; 3) Alaska - LANDFIRE Reference Database (LFRDB); 4) mapping vegetation in Alaska; 5) updating approach for mapping ca. 2008 vegetation (Refresh); and 6) National Vegetation Classification Standard (NVCS) - Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). Part 2 of the webinar series focused on: 1) Fire Behavior Fuel Models (FBFM), Canadian, Canopy Bulk Density (CBD), Canopy Base Height (CBH) & Canopy Cover (CC); 2) fire regime and Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC); 3) Fire Effects - Fuel Loading Models (FLM) and Fuel Characteristics Classification System (FCCS); 4) scope of deliverables for Alaska Refresh; 5) schedule of delivery for Alaska Refresh data products; 6) scheduling FBFM calibration workshop(s). This webinar was hosted by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium (
Online Link(s): Link to this video (wmv; 98.0 MB; Part 1)
 Link to this video (wmv; 136 MB; Part 2)
 Please note that if you do not have high speed internet, you should download the video file and play it from your computer. To download the file, right click on the link and select "Save Target As..." (Internet Explorer), or "Save Link As..." (Firefox), or the equivalent option if you are using another browser.
Cataloging Information:
canopy base height; canopy bulk density; canopy cover; FCCS - Fuel Characteristic Classification System; FGDC - Federal Geographic Data Committee; fire behavior fuel models; FRCC - Fire Regime Condition Class; fuel loading models; LANDFIRE; NVCS - National Vegetation Classification Standard
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Record Last Updated:
Jul 5, 2011
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