Visitors' Information

The information and links provided here are for the use of visiting scientists and conference attendees. The Goddard Institute for Space Studies is a relatively small research laboratory with no visitors' facility, and because of government security regulations, we are not otherwise able to grant access to members of the public.

GISS is located in New York City at the intersection of Broadway and West 112th St. in the Morningside Heights-Columbia University neighborhood of Manhattan. Right at the corner on the first floor of our building is Tom's Restaurant, a restaurant which you will likely recognize if you have ever watched the TV program Seinfeld. Our front entrance is just a few steps east along 112th St. from Tom's. Immediately above the entrance is a sign stating 545 West 112th St. There is a smaller sign to the side stating 2880 Broadway, our official address.

Reaching Manhattan

Travel within Manhattan

Neighborhood Restaurants

Map: GISS and Manhattan

Please contact Dr. Emily Michaud if you require further information.

GISS at the end of the Blizzard of 2006.

Evening at the corner of Broadway and 112th.