Supporting the future of cycling

Bike Hub is a levy scheme operated by the Bicycle Association of Great Britain.

  • Health & Fitness
  • Bike to Work
  • Family Cycling
  • Advocacy
  • Health & Fitness
  • Bike to Work
  • Family Cycling
  • Advocacy

Top 5 Articles

  • Featured article
    Buying a Bike

    Nowadays, bicycles are easier to ride than ever before. Lightweight frames, indexed derailleur gears (which click-click into place) and strong, reliable brakes mean the bicycles of today look gr...

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  • Featured article
    Cycling and the Law

    "Can my 11 year old cycle on the pavement?" and "Can I be done for cycling furiously?" and many other UK-specific legal questions answered. By Carlton Reid. Many cyclists are afraid of vehicu...

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  • Featured article
    Cycling to School

    Don't be a taxi-driver, let your kids cycle to school. Cycling kids are confident kids, more independent and brainier to boot. Just 15 minutes cycling to and from school could make a real difference...

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  • Featured article
    Carrying children on bikes

    Child seats. Trailers. Tagalongs. Cargo bikes. With the right kit you can carry children from birth right through until they can ride on their own. Bike-mad parents often worry that having kids...

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  • Featured article
    Cycling is safe for kids, no need to wrap them in cotton-wool

    Cycling involves speed. By its very nature it involves a modicum of risk, from scraped palms to nettled knees through to gravel rash, broken collarbones and worse. Eek. Sounds terrible. It's not. ...

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