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Web Pages  
Name: 1999 Fontainebleau Mississippi Wildfire study
Description: Nine plots were established in both the treated area and an adjacent untreated area. Data collected describe stand conditions and fire severity at each plot. The data were collected to assess the effect of repeated prescribed burn treatments on stand...
Web Pages  
Name: A Synthesis of the Science on Forests and Carbon for U.S. Forests
Description: Dr. Mike Ryan, USDA Forest Service Research Forest Ecologist, presented a scientific synthesis of the forest carbon cycle. The synthesis covers the entire US, but Dr. Ryan focused on the western US for this webinar. Forests play a key role in the...
Web Pages  
Name: An Overview of the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) Project and Field-Based Burn Severity Assessment
Description: Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) is a multi-year, interagency project designed to consistently map the location, extent and associated burn severity of large fires occurring on all lands of the United States from 1984 to present. The suite of...
Web Pages  
Name: Automated hydrologic monitoring data for Disney Wilderness Preserve, Florida
Description: This data measures hydrologic regimes of restored wetland systems.
Web Pages  
Name: Baseline organic soil depth monitoring data for Disney Wilderness Preserve, Florida
Description: This data characterizes soil depth and wetland boundaries in various wetland types.
Web Pages  
Name: Canopy vegetation monitoring data for Disney Wilderness Preserve, Florida
Description: Canopy species density by size class data, collected in belt transects during summer/fall along a subset of 104 monitoring transects.
Web Pages  
Name: Carbon fractions from a long-unburned longleaf pine forest floor at Smith Lake, Ordway-Swisher Preserve, Florida
Description: Table presented as a word document that lists 6 forest floor components (Litter, Fermentation, Humus, Intact Bark, Sloughed Bark, Young Cones, and Old Cones) and the mean percent of a) Extractives; b) Hemicellulose; c) Cellulose; d) Lignin; e) Ash for...
Web Pages  
Name: Carbon summary data
Description: Carbon Summary data as part of the Joint Fire Science Project 01-1-3-11: Duff Consumption and Southern Pine Mortality.
Web Pages  
Name: Correlates of post-burn longleaf pine mortality - 2002 plot data
Description: In 2001, we initiated a large-scale restoration experiment to examine the causes of mortality in long-unburned (ca. 35-45 years since fire) longleaf pine forests. We examined the effects of damage to canopy, stem, and roots at the stand and individual...
Web Pages  
Name: Correlates of post-burn longleaf pine mortality - consumption data
Description: Measure of Surface Material and Duff Depth at individual Trees at 13 different Burn Units under different moisture conditions. In 2001, we initiated a large-scale restoration experiment to examine the causes of mortality in long-unburned (ca. 35-45...