
Admissibility decisions


Hearing The Grand Chamber of the Court delivered its decisions on recevability in the cases of Chiragov and Others v. Armenia and Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan. The cases concerns the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. The Court will deliver its judgments at a later date.

Sargsyan c. Azerbaïdjan
icon press Press Release
PDF Admissibility decision
icône webcast Hearing of 15.09.2010

Chiragov et autres c. Arménie
icon press Press Release
PDF Admissibility decision
icône webcast Hearing of 15.09.2010

Other news

Upsurge in number of Hungarian cases


The Registrar of the Court, Erik Fribergh, has announced that special measures will be taken to deal with the thousands of Hungarian applications received by the Court since mid-December 2011. Most of these cases concern the same issues relating to retirement pensions.

icône presse Press Release ( Hungarian version)

Priority treatment


The Court has decided to give priority treatment to complaints by the former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko concerning her detention. The applicant, the leader of the main opposition party in Ukraine, was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment in October 2011. She alleges, in particular, that her prosecution and detention were politically motivated.

icône presse Press Release



Recent hearing


The Court held a Grand Chamber hearing in the case of Vistiņš and Perepjolkins v. Latvia. The case concerns the expropriation of land to enlarge the Autonomous Commercial Port of Riga in the 1990s.

icône presse Press Release

webcam icon Webcast of the hearing


Forthcoming hearing


On 25 January 2012, the Court will be holding a Grand Chamber hearing in the case of Catan and Others v. Moldova and Russia. The case concerns complaints about the prohibition to use Latin script in schools in the self-proclaimed unrecognised entity known as “Moldovan Republic of Transdnistria”.

icône pressePress Release

icône calendar Calendar of hearings


Chamber judgments

Recent judgment


In the case concerning the siege of the Dubrovka theatre by Chechen separatists in October 2002 the Court held that there had been no violation of the Convention regarding the use of force and gas against the terrorists. It did, however, find that the rescue operation had not been well planned or implemented.

icône presse Press Release


Other judgments


Di Sarno v. Italy

Cesnulevicius v. Lithuania

Ananyev and Others v. Russia (Russian version)

30 other judgments



Hanif et Khan v. United Kingdom

Pascari v. Moldova

Teslenko v. Ukraine

33 other judgments


Forthcoming judgments

12/01/2012: 12 judgments



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