Postdoctoral Researcher

Employer: University of Southern California
Posted: January 5, 2012
Expires: March 4, 2012
Requisition number:

Science jobs from University of Southern California:
Institute for Genetic Medicine University of Southern California

Seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate to examine the mechanism by which toxic CUG RNA expression in myotonic dystrophy alters global RNA steady-state profiles (Dansithong et al. 2011, EMBO Rep 12:735-742).

Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree with a background in molecular biology or biochemistry. Expertise in chromatin immunoprecipitation or signal transduction is desirable. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, brief description of research interests and names of three references to:

Sita Reddy Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keck School of Medicine University of Southern California email: EOE

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