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The SA Incubator

The next generation of science writers and journalists.
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  • Profile

    Bora Zivkovic Bora Zivkovic is the Blog Editor at Scientific American, chronobiologist, biology teacher, organizer of ScienceOnline conferences and editor of Open Laboratory anthologies of best science writing on the Web. Follow on Twitter @boraz.
  • End-of-year lists at Scienceline

    Scienceline, the website of the science writing students at NYU, now has a whole new editorial board and contributors – the previous generation has graduated and the new generation now has the reins and has started posting their first posts. Over the holidays, they posted a whole series of Top Ten and end-of-year lists that [...]

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    Scienceline’s First-Ever App Is Finally Available

    This is a guest post by Mary Beth Griggs. Scienceline’s editorial team spent the summer building an iPad app. Here’s how, and why we did it. Ah Summer vacation. A time for relaxing at the beach, grilling at backyard barbeques, lounging by the pool …  and, if you happen to be a Scienceline editor, spending [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #14

    Students are busy – there is a lot of excellent stuff to highlight this week: Ritchie King, of NYU, in New York Times: A Closer Look at Teeth May Mean More Fillings: Until 2010, Amelia Nuwer, 22, visited the same dentist every year in Biloxi, Miss., her hometown. And every year she came back with [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #13 – MIT science writing program

    MIT Grad Program in Science Writing (Twitter, Facebook) is one of the strongest programs in the country, whose alumni include some of the most exciting new science writers on the scene. You can follow the ongoing work of the current students on their magazine/blog SCOPE, but here are some examples of the recent work by [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #12 – recent Scienceline posts

    Just a quick look at the latest posts and articles on Scienceline, website run by the NYU SHERP students – a site you should keep an eye on, always busier in Fall when two generations overlap: Pumpkins of supernatural size: Growing pumpkins in which Cinderella could have ridden to the ball by Kelly Slivka: It’s [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #11 – Rachel Nuwer

    Rachel Nuwer (Twitter, blog), from NYU’s SHERP program, has been writing regularly on the New York Times Green blog. Check out some of her recent posts there: A Photographic Call to Action: When Clyde Butcher first began exploring the Everglades in 1984, “there was virtually nothing to photograph — it was one big ditch,” he [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #10

    Kathleen Raven, from Grady school of journalism, in UGA Today: Blood pressure-lowering drug after stroke aids recovery, study finds: A commonly prescribed blood pressure-lowering medication appears to kick start recovery in the unaffected brain hemisphere after a stroke by boosting blood vessel growth, a new University of Georgia study has found. The discovery, based on [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #9

    Just a quick survey of some of the most recent articles and blog posts you may find interesting: Marissa Fessenden, at UCSC: There’s fluoride in my water?: Today, 64 percent of Americans will drink and bathe in fluoridated water. Meanwhile Watsonville, CA is at the end of a decade-long debate and legal battle to keep [...]

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    Weekly Highlights #8 – some recent SHERP work

    Current and recent students at the NYU program for science, health and environmental reporting (SHERP) have published some great stuff recently. Here is a sampling for your enjoyment: Rachel Nuwer teamed up with Cornelia Dean and published an article in the New York Times (Nation section): Salmon-Killing Virus Seen for First Time in the Wild [...]

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    Science Notes – the annual magazine of the UC-Santa Cruz Science Communication program

    Illustration: Chelsea Crist

    Each year, the UC-Santa Cruz Science Communication program publishes an online multimedia magazine called Science Notes. As old as the program itself (which began in 1981), Science Notes is the culmination of two quarters’ work. Thank you to Rob Irion and Nadia Drake for providing the information and most of the text for this post. [...]

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