
Housed in the Department of Entomology and the College of Agriculture and Life Science, the NCSU Insect Museum is dedicated to the acquisition and preservation of resources in systematic entomology useful to the NCSU Department of Entomology, the citizens of North Carolina, and the broader systematics community. We also host the Treehoppers website (Deitz and Wallace) and the Hexapod Haiku Challenge, which happens every March.

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Explore and annotate our virtual collection at GigaPan.org!


We recently established a Friends of the NCSU Insect Museum program and a small but growing endowment. Your contributions enable us to fund student research, acquire critical resources, understand insect diversity, and enhance the public education aspects of our mission.

Become a Friend    Support the Endowment

Museum Overview

The NC State University Insect Museum is an internationally recognized resource for the study of insects and mites from North Carolina, the Southeastern United States, and, in several insect groups, the world. Our holdings are partitioned into four main collections:

With close to 1,500,000 prepared specimens, the Museum is vital to our Department, University, and State, serving a variety of research, extension, outreach, and teaching activities. Holdings of North Carolina insects and of Hemiptera are especially outstanding. The worldwide collection of non-heteropteran Hemiptera, along with NCSU's extensive literature collections on these lineages, form an unduplicated resource for research on these insects. The NCSU Insect Collection has several other outstanding research collections (mainly Lepidoptera, Acari, Anthophila (the bees), Diptera, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Orthoptera, and Collembola) within it and associated assemblages of literature that are of international importance.


We are a CITES registered research facility (permit: 08US827653/9), and our LSID [link] is urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:1024. Loans and other correspondence concerning specimens should be made through this address and e-mail:

NC State University Insect Museum
Department of Entomology
4321 Gardner Hall, Box 7613
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7613 USA
phone: +1 919 515 3595
fax: +1 919 515 7746
email (@ncsu.edu): bob_blinn