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LAADS Web - Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System


Welcome to LAADS Web Version 4! LAADS Web is the web interface to the Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS). The mission of LAADS is to provide quick and easy access to MODIS level 1 and atmosphere data products.

Search, order, and download MODIS level 1 and atmosphere data products. Products may also be subset by parameter, area, or band, mosaiced, reprojected, or masked.

Visually browse MODIS level 1 and atmosphere data products.

Access tools to use with MODIS level 1 and atmosphere data products.

Get help including tutorials and contact information.

MODIS level 2 clouds, aerosols, snow, sea ice, fire, land surface temperature, and land surface reflectance products are available within 2.5 hours of observation at LANCE-MODIS.

Information about the production, archive and distribution of the data products in LAADS can be found at the MODAPS Services website.

Any questions should be directed to MODAPS user support. Contact information can be found on the Contacts page.


04.04.11 - MODAPS Web Services Version 1.3 Release
Version 1.3 of the MODAPS Web Services has been released.
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01.20.11 - MCD43A* and MCD43B*
The 16-day composite BRDF/Albedo product (MCD43) for the period 2010337 through 2011001 may have been generated using a wrong version of the PGE (V5.0.17) at MODAPS.
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09.30.10 - Data Quality Alert for Terra Collection 51 Cloud Products
Some cloud products including MOD06_L2, MODATML2, MOD08_D3, MOD08_E3 and MOD08_M3 were subject to a processing flaw and have or are being reprocessed. Flawed products were moved to Collection 519.
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03.31.10 - Terra Collection 051 L2 Data Available
Collection 051 Terra reprocessing began in late March 2010.
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11.10.08 - Aqua Collection 5.1 Data Production
Starting in early November 2008 reprocessed and forward processed Aqua atmospheres Collection 5.1 data products will be generated and will be archived in the LAADS.
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