Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) Printer-friendly version Add This


The Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) is a NASA organization established under the auspices of NASA Headquarters in 2004. The chartered role of the ESDSWG focuses on the exploration and development of recommendations derived from pertinent community insights of NASA's heterogeneous and distributed Earth science data systems.

The ESDSWG is comprised of four distinct working groups organized around key technology and information system issues; technology infusion, standards processes, software reuse, and data system user and system metrics. Each Working Group functions independently establishing their own work plans on germane data system issues and topics. The ESDSWG members are drawn from a broad range of NASA-funded science and technology projects, NASA information technology experts, affiliated contractor staff and other interested community members from academia and industry.

Working Groups

The ESDSWG's consist of several working groups created by NASA to facilitate the development of future data systems. Members are drawn from a wide swath of the NASA Earth Science data community.

ESDSWG Manager: Dr. Francis Lindsay, GSFC

ESDSWG Coordinator: Ross Bagwell, NASA/CTS GSFC

Metrics Planning and Reporting Working Group (MPARWG)
Review and recommend program-level performance metrics and collection tools that measure how well each data activity supports the NASA Science Mission Directorate’s Earth science, application, and education programs.

Chair: Dr. Hampapuram K. Ramapriyan, NASA GSFC
Co-chair: Clyde Brown

Software Reuse Working Group (SRWG)
The reuse of a software artifact is its integration into another context. Reuse is to reduce cost, time, effort, and risk; and to increase productivity, quality, performance, and interoperability.

Chair: Dr. Chris Mattmann, NASA JPL
Co-chair: Robert Downs

Standards Process Group (SPG)
Facilitate the development of future data systems. These standards are evaluated and can eventually be endorsed as ESDS standards.

Chair: Mr. Richard Ullman, NASA GSFC
Co-chair: Glenn F Cunningham

Technology Infusion Working Group (TIWG)
Enable's NASA's Earth Science community to reach its research, application, and education goals more quickly and cost effectively through widespread adoption of key emerging information technologies.

Chair: Ms. Karen Moe, NASA ESTO
Co-chair: Brian Wilson