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example of WMS

Web Mapping Service (WMS)

View and download imagery from a variety of EOS remote sensing products using the interactive Web Mapping Service (WMS). Multiple products from multiple instruments can be overlayed with population density data and administrative boundaries from the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). An Antarctic Polar WMS and an Arctic Polar WMS are available using the polar stereographic coordinate system to assist in viewing high/low latitude phenomena. NOTE: The WMS currently does not work with Internet Explorer. We are investigating this issue and hope to have it resolved soon.

Hazard and Disasters page

Hazard and disasters data selection tool

Subsets of 40 products from MODIS, AIRS, and OMI are available for a variety of hazards and disasters categories selected by the users. The imagery is available through a geographic or polar coordinate system Web Mapping Service.



This new tool from EOSDIS provides the capability to interactively browse full-resolution, global, near real-time spacecraft imagery from 5 (eventually 30+) data products from LANCE. This supports time-critical application areas such as wildfire management, air quality measurements, and weather forecasting. The data is generally available within three hours of observation and can be compared to observations from the past week. The interface also supports comparisons amongst available data products and time steps for the currently-zoomed region, facilitating a rapid visual filtering and selection of the most suitable product and time step. Browsing on tablet devices is currently supported for mobile access to this spacecraft imagery while in the field or on the couch. Please note, however, that this is an alpha release and many features are still under development. Comments/suggestions/problem reports are welcome via this address