NEW: URL Filter

Have you ever spent time combing through the Popular Pages stats looking for one particular web page? Not any more….

With the new URL filter on Popular Pages you can search for any page or subset of pages on your site quickly and easily.

  • Simply enter your URL (or partial URL) in the filter box.

  • Click “Update” and that’s it!

NOTE: This feature is available in the “New StatCounter“. Try it now and send us your feedback!

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39 Responses to NEW: URL Filter

  1. Just noticed today, some of the keyword via search engine has SER position noted at the end. Awesome. That is a great SEO function. Statcounter just nailed it with that thing.

  2. Web Designer says:

    Just tried it, very handy feature! Good for finding conversion pages and then drilling down for more info.


  3. ultra mind says:

    thanks i tried it and it works……. thanks for supporting us

  4. It works perfectly
    Thanx a lot

  5. I’m loading the new Beta Stat Counter and will be checking it out. I will be sharing in my seminars.

  6. Online Manga says:

    A nice implement for statcounter..long live SC

  7. C.J. says:

    Hey guys,
    i like the new design and features! Great to see which position the keywords at the search engines have!

  8. The real time saver for me. Thank you Statcounter!

  9. StatCounter is a great services, I like to use a “Visitor Paths”.
    The new version has to use other colors because it not so clear as it is in old version.

  10. nopalea says:

    Great feature and I like the new design as well! Easier navigation and much more appealing

  11. Tagrens says:

    Thanks a lot for the great information Your blog provides us, higly apreciated

  12. Just gave it a test drive and it works!


  13. manganelli says:

    ma una traduzione in italiano? multilingue please!

  14. will using stat counter slow down my site?

  15. I love the features of the new StatCounter. Especially, the new hourly stats option, recent visitor activity, keyword analysis options, showing keyword search ranks in Google, the search engines and browsers stats options and of course, the one you have posted above. Just one suggestion (or rather query) here: can you also show the search ranks of the keywords searched in other search engines as well, besides Google?

    Overall, a very helpful, effective but easy to use beta StatCounter experience! And, I am eagerly waiting to see the finalized output when it comes out of beta. Thanks. Daniel.

  16. looks like a great tool, thanks for the information, i am happy i found you guys and able to use your services, and be your client, i should learn more about what you offer, i am sure you have many great things on your far it has been great using stat counter!

  17. thanks for the tips, it helps very nice to apply it to your site, recommended

  18. wholesaleast says:

    yes ,i think it’s really a useful tool for us.

  19. John says:

    nice awesome feature..

  20. It’s really great feature…thanks so much

  21. thanks a lot for the great information..I will talk about it to my friends

  22. Hmm this one is really a very useful feature. Some time i want to find a URL that whether i got any hit from it or not. It will now help me in that.

  23. Free Stuff says:

    Wicked Awesome!. Thank you, Statcounter.!

  24. Micha says:

    finally a tool i can use. its awesome, good job statcounter!!

  25. Diyet says:

    Super!Wunderbar! Thanks for the information.

  26. it’s really great articles.thanks for share

  27. alice says:

    very handy feature! Good for finding conversion pages and then drilling down for more info.

  28. Your site’s really great post.thanks so much

  29. Thanks for share great post.Have good done !

  30. DL4YOU says:

    Very very good ~~ thinks ~~~~

  31. Atlantic.Net says:

    I can make good use of this!
    Thank you for your help!

  32. Great feature!
    i’ve been waiting for this for a long time :p

  33. now i can filter all my URL more easily without excel anymore!

  34. Just gave it a test drive and it works!


  35. Colocation says:

    It’s really great feature…thanks so much

  36. This is one of the better free services on the internet and works well in tandem with analytics.

  37. arthasy says:

    Today is a nice day,good night everyone,see you!

  38. John D says:

    Always a leader in the industry !