Special Series: Election 2012

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It's All Politics

Obama Tries Using TR As Big Stick Against GOP Opponents()  

President Obama tapped his inner Theodore Roosevelt, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011.

December 6, 2011 Since virtually the start of his tenure in the Oval Office, President Obama has argued that it's his policies, not those of his political opponents, that continue the unfinished work of some of the presidents Americans most cherish — Lincoln and the Roosevelts.


It's All Politics

Mitt Romney Declines Donald Trump's Debate Invite()  

Mitt Romney entertains a toddler in Paradise Valley, AZ, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011.

December 6, 2011 Donald Trump's planned Republican presidential debate lost a major reason for watching it, to see how Mitt Romney would contend with Newt Gingrich, the latest rival to claim frontrunner status. Romney said Tuesday he planned to skip the debate to be moderated by Trump, the TV reality show star and real estate developer.


Election 2012

Gingerly, GOP Contenders Address Payroll Tax Cut()  

White House press secretary Jay Carney speaks Monday during his daily press briefing, as a clock counting down the expiration of the payroll tax cut benefit looms in the background.

December 6, 2011 The payroll tax cut is popular with the American people. That helps explain why President Obama is talking about it so relentlessly — and, perhaps, why Republican presidential candidates have addressed the issue only glancingly.


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It's All Politics

Judicial Wars Flare As Senate Blocks Obama Nominee()  

Caitlin J. Halligan, then a lawyer for New York State, and attorney David Boies spoke in the Court of Appeals in Albany in 2005. On Tuesday, Senate Republicans blocked Halligan's nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

December 6, 2011 Tuesday's vote seems to signal the end of a 2005 agreement to end the judicial wars in the Senate by barring filibusters except in extraordinary circumstances.



Senate Panel To Subpoena Corzine Over MF Global()  

December 6, 2011 The former New Jersey governor and U.S. senator was CEO of the trading firm, which filed for bankruptcy protection this fall after a disastrous bet on European debt. Nearly $1.2 billion is estimated to be missing from customer accounts. The panel wants Corzine to testify so it can find out what happened.


It's All Politics

Maryland Robocall Conviction Puts Political Dirty Tricksters On Notice()  

Paul Schurick in November 2011 as his trial started.

December 6, 2011 Election-day dirty tricksters be forewarned: getting caught trying in a voter-suppression scheme can draw you a prison term, at least in Maryland.That's one take away message from Tuesday's conviction of the man who served as campaign manager for the effort of Maryland's former Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich Jr.'s to regain the governorship.



For Unions, Democratic Convention Is Business()  

Many local businesses fear they won't win contracts for the 2012 Democratic National Convention because they can't boast a "union bug," like the small blue oval above, that can be found on some material printed by Consolidated Press.

December 6, 2011 WFAEUnionized businesses in Charlotte, N.C., have traditionally had to keep a low profile in this right-to-work state. But with the Democratic National Convention headed to town in 2012, having union ties could now be something to flaunt — and cash in on.


On All Things ConsideredPlaylist

It's All Politics

Give Immigration Reform A Chance, Say Nation's Most Conservative Voters()  

December 6, 2011 A new survey finds that prospective Iowa Republican caucus-goers favor tough border and workplace immigration enforcement, but favor modernization of legal immigration.


It's All Politics

Newt Gingrich, GOP Frontrunner, Plays Campaign-Cash Catch Up()  

Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks with a supporter in New York City, Monday, Dec. 5, 2011.

December 6, 2011 When it comes to polls, Newt Gingrich is a strong frontrunner. New surveys in Iowa and South Carolina show him lapping the rest of the Republican presidential field and holding strong double digit leads. But when it comes to money, the essential for running an effective modern campaign, Gingrich is still not a top-tier candidate. He's working to fix that, however.


The Two-Way

Before Obama Invites Teddy Roosevelt Comparisons, Read TR's Words()  

Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-sixth president of the United States serving from 1901 to 1909.

December 6, 2011 In what's been called the most important political speech of his career, Roosevelt made the case for a "new nationalism" that emphasized "equality of opportunity."


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