Urban Institute nonprofit social and economic policy research
May 11, 2011


2012 Budget

Tax Proposals in the 2012 Budget

The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center examines the revenue provisions in President Obama's 2012 budget, describes the proposals in detail and offers commentary and distributional tables showing the impact of various provisions. Read more

Pills on Top of Check Writting to Healthcare

One Year Later, Finding Answers to Health Reform Questions

Health reform became law one year ago on March 23, 2010. Three new reports examine the outcomes of the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

city skyline

Urban Insight

Eight of ten Americans dwell in the nation's 366 metro areas, where hotly-debated public policies hit the ground. Our new blog brings seasoned voices weighing the pros and cons of policies on the chopping block, gauging competing claims about social and economic change, and making sense of new data. Read more


Nancy La VigneOn Justice Reinvestment:
Nancy La Vigne, director of UI’s Justice Policy Center, answers five questions about justice reinvestment—a data-driven approach to criminal justice policies. This strategy could help cash-strapped states and counties cut spending on corrections, improve public safety, and reduce the number of people behind bars. read more

Recent Interviews

Donald MarronDonald Marron answers five questions about how cutting tax preferences is the key to tax reform

Robert LermanRobert Lerman answers five questions about expanding apprenticeships to jumpstart employment and train job-seekers.