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Untangling the Steven Salaita Case
The University of Illinois' last-minute withdrawal of a job offer because of anti-Israel tweets has created a nationwide controversy. What are the legal issues? How does academic freedom fit in?

Harvard Law Review Suppresses Link to a Nan Goldin Photograph
In a forum devoted to free expression, no less.

In Subversives, It Is the FBI, Not Student Radicals, That Subverts the Constitution
Seth Rosenfeld litigated for thirty years against the FBI to obtain the files that form the basis of his book.

FCC Proposes Easing Up on Censorship of "Indecency"
After years of controversy, the agency seems poised to abandon its rule on "fleeting expletives" and return to square one.

"What Ails the Agencies for Which They Work"
The Supreme Court decision in Lane v. Franks was welcome, but does little to repair a wrong-headed and murky distinction in public-employee free-speech law.

Trading Academic Freedom for Foreign Markets
Yale's campus in Singapore raises questions about compromising academic freedom in exchange for the presumed benefits of locating colleges in authoritarian lands.

"A masterpiece of legal journalism"
               - Professor Alan Wald,
         U.S. Intellectual History Blog


Priests of Our Democracy combines history, law, and stories of the people and politics behind the recognition of academic freedom as "a special concern of the First Amendment."

Winner of the 2013 Hugh Hefner First Amendment Award for Book Publishing

Read excerpts from the reviews.

Does Academic Freedom Protect Teachers or Institutions?
Marjorie Heins dissects this and other questions in the University of Michigan's annual Academic Freedom Lecture. Also on You Tube.

Internet Filters - Fully Revised and Updated

Will Fair Use Survive? Free Expression in the Age of Copyright Control

The Information Commons

Free Expression in Arts Funding

"The Progress of Science and Useful Arts": Why Copyright Today Threatens Intellectual Freedom

Media Literacy: An Alternative to Censorship

Intellectual Property and Free Speech in the Online World: How Online Service Providers Are Coping With Cease & Desist Letters and Takedown Notices

Fox v. FCC: Challenging Censorship on the Airwaves

Kahle v. Gonzales: Copyright "Formalities" and the Shrinking Public Domain

Brand X: Preserving Open Access on the Internet

FCC Comments: Localism and Diversity on the Public Airwaves

Bridgeport Music: Sampling and Artistic Creation

The "Children's Internet Protection Act": Mandatory Filters & the Digital Divide

Scholars' Brief in St. Louis Video Games Case: What the research actually shows about media effects

Other court briefs ...

Banning Speech in the Name of Fighting Terrorism
Court Strikes Down Penalty for "Nipplegate"
The Roberts Court: A Free Speech Double Standard
You Can Play Fantasy Baseball, But Can You Google It?

First Post-"CIPA" Lawsuit Challenges Library's Use of Filters

Animal-Cruelty Censorship Law is Unconstitutional

Settlement in James Joyce Estate Copyright Case

Other news ...

FEPP's Slide Show of Controversial & Censored Art From the erotic frescos of Pompeii to today's battles over fair use - a history of censored images.

Is Teaching Junk Science Protected by Academic Freedom?
Citizens United: A Win For Free Speech or a First Amendment Disaster?
Charging Anti-Semitism to Squelch Dissent
Video Game Censorship Struck Down
Blanche DuBois Meets the Copyright Cops
Supreme Court Shrinks Student Free Speech
The Muhammad Cartoons: Facts & Principles to Guide the Debate

"The Miracle": Film Censorship and the Catholic Church

Other commentaries ...

Art Censorship
Censorship History
"Harm to Minors" and Censorship of Youth
Media Policy: Media Literacy and Media Democracy
Political Speech
Sex and Censorship
Violence in the Media

Political Dissent and Censorship
Media Democracy
Internet Filters
Sex and Censorship
Media Violence

The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross
D.M. Bennett: The Truth Seeker, by Roderick Bradford

Communists and Perverts Under the Palms, by Stacy Braukman

Other reviews ...

The Free Expression Policy Project began in 2000 to provide empirical research and policy development on tough censorship issues and seek free speech-friendly solutions to the concerns that drive censorship campaigns. In 2004-2007, it was part of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. The FEPP website is now hosted by the National Coalition Against Censorship. Past funders have included the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Educational Foundation of America, the Open Society Institute, and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

All material on this site is covered by a Creative Commons "Attribution - No Derivs - NonCommercial" license. (See You may copy it in its entirely as long as you credit the Free Expression Policy Project and provide a link to the Project's Web site. You may not edit or revise it, or copy portions, without permission (except, of course, for fair use). Please let us know if you reprint!