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New XSL Transformations in .NET 2.0
Having realized the need for efficient built-in support for XSLT processing, Microsoft has included in the .NET Framework 2.0 a set of classes that are highly optimized, robust, and scalable. This article will explore the rich XSLT support provided by the .NET Framework 2.0 by providing examples on how to use the XSLT related classes to create rich ASP.NET Web applications.

New Make Your Site's RSS Feed Shine
RSS is a way of life these days, but there's no reason your site's RSS feed needs to look like it was written by a computer. Sure, in order for an RSS feed to be read by most RSS readers it needs to be valid XML, but who says you have to stop there?

An Introduction to XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language)
XBRL (short for eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an XML-based standard for handling corporate financial information. This article explains what XBRL is, provides an introduction to some of it's uses, and provides links to a number of XBRL related resources for you to continue learning about XBRL.

Using XSLT and .NET to Manipulate XML Files
XML Stylesheet Transformations (XSLT) is defined as a language for transforming source XML documents into other document formats using XML Path Language (XPath) as a query language. This is particularly useful when XML documents do not match the document type needed.

 Latest XML Content from DevX

W3C Has a New XML Standard: XProc
XProc standard bringing new XML pipeline capabilities enabling developers to automate and share workflows.

The Key XForms Enhancements in Version 1.1
XForms 1.1 improves on version 1.0 in areas where the initial specification was either ambiguous or was becoming outdated in the face of evolving web technologies. Get a rundown of some of the notable new features.

Performing Hierarchical Restructuring Using ANSI SQL
Discover the flexibility and power of using ANSI SQL to reshape and transform hierarchical structures.

Taking XML Validation to the Next Level: Explore CAM's Expressive Power
The generic-sounding Content Assembly Mechanism, or CAM, is an exciting step beyond XML Schema, but it's new and not well documented. This article series represents CAM: The Missing Manual. This last installment is a deep exploration of CAM's ability to express exactly what you need for data-centric documents.

Taking XML Validation to the Next Level: Introducing CAM
The generic-sounding Content Assembly Mechanism, or CAM, is actually an exciting step forward from XML Schema, but it's new, and not well documented. This article series represents CAM: The Missing Manual.

XML Notepad 2006 Design
XML Notepad is back! The tool was first introduced in 1998 but has been unavailable for several years. See details of the latest version's design and implementation, how it leverages System.xml, and more cool new features.

Real-World Value of XML and CMS
In this case study, Dr. John Tunnicliffe relates the process his company used to update their corporate web-site. As well as providing a new look and feel, the new system needed to include a flexible content management system (CMS) that fully utilized XML to get information into and out of the system.

An ASP Class for XML Data Transfer
A while ago, one of our visitors contributed a pair of ASP functions for XML data transfer. Like any self-respecting programmer, he was unhappy with their rigidity. He recently decided enough was enough and created an ASP class to handle things. In addition to being more flexible then the original functions, the class offers additional functionality to boot.

Early Adopter VoiceXML Sample Chapter
This book from Wrox Press aims to give the reader an in-depth analysis of the current state of VoiceXML technology. This sample chapter covers VoiceXML with XSLT (HTML and WML).

Sample Chapter: Transforming XML with XSLT and ASP
We've got a sample chapter from Sams' new book: XML for ASP.NET Developers. The book provides developers detailed coverage of Microsoft XML technologies and their practical applications in .NET Web applications. This free sample chapter covers transforming XML with XSLT and ASP.NET.

A Look at MSXML 4.0 RTM
While I'm sure many of you know that Microsoft has released version 4.0 of their XML parser, for those of you who don't, well you do now... and this should serve as your wake up call!

A Couple of ASP Functions for XML Data Transfer
One of our visitors decided they would give something back. It's not much, but here are a couple of ASP functions for XML Data transfer that they found to be very useful.

Online Exam using XML & ASP
This week we're bringing you an online exam system that pulls it's data from an xml file on the server. The question list for the user is sent to the browser via Microsoft's XMLHTTP Object. Using this same object, the questions are retrieved from the server and displayed on the page whenever the user requests a question.

Searching an XML File with XSL and ASP by Michael Qualls
This article is the final installment in a series of articles on manipulating XML data with ASP. So far we have learned to add, append, and edit records in XML files using ASP. This article puts on the finishing touches in order to tie all of these processes together.

Appending to XML with ASP by Michael Qualls
The third article in Michael Qualls' series on using XML with ASP is here! This time around we check to see if the file already exists, and if it does, we append to it. Using this type of technique we're actually creating a data construct similar to a database table.

Editing XML with XSL and ASP by Michael Qualls
This article builds upon the Saving HTML Form Data to XML article. Based on the feedback received, it seems many people wanted to know how to edit the XML data. So, without further ado, here it is: Editing XML with XSL and ASP.

Saving HTML Form Data to XML by Michael Qualls
Usually form submissions are written to some sort of text file or database. If you need your form submission data to be more portable, however, it can be written to an XML file. This article will show you how.

Using XML to build an ASP+ config.web Editor by Adam Cartwright
ASP+ configuration information is stored in XML-based configuration files. Using built-in features of IIS 5.0 and IE 5.0 such as the FileSystemObject, the XML Document Object Model (DOM) and XML Data Islands, we can easily develop a rich tool for modifying and editing these configuration files.

In part one of this three-part lesson we will discuss the contents and structure of the config.web file. We will then build an ASP+ file for loading the config.web file into a client side DOM object (data island).

SOAP Soup by Adam Cartwright
Simple Object Access Protocol is one of the neatest XML based technologies to be introduced as of late, yet many people are still trying to get a handle on all of the new terms and acronyms that SOAP has uncovered. This article is written to help you dig through the SOAP soup we have in front of us and create a foundation for truly understanding what SOAP is all about.

XML Basics by Jan Egil Refsnes
This chapter contains an easy to understand XML tutorial. It covers an introduction to XML, and explains the differences between XML and HTML, the history and purpose of XML, and the basic XML syntax.

XML DTD by Jan Egil Refsnes
This chapter covers the XML Document Type Definition. Using a DTD is the formal way to describe a valid XML document.

XML DOM by Jan Egil Refsnes
The XML DOM is the Document Object Model of XML. This chapter explains the DOM, and how the DOM can be manipulated.

XML XSL by Jan Egil Refsnes
XSL is the stylesheet language of XML. This chapter explains XSL, and how to use XSL to transform XML documents into HTML documents.

XML Examples by Jan Egil Refsnes
This section is a collection of examples from all the chapters in this Web.

XML Links by Jan Egil Refsnes
This is a well organized list of links to useful XML Web development resources.

Developers News by Jan Egil Refsnes
Hand picked news items that are important to Web developers.

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 DevX XML Content 
- W3C Has a New XML Standard: XProc
- The Key XForms Enhancements in Version 1.1
- Performing Hierarchical Restructuring Using ANSI SQL
- Taking XML Validation to the Next Level: Explore CAM's Expressive Power
- Taking XML Validation to the Next Level: Introducing CAM

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