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Are you prepared?

Include items for your pet in your kit

Home fire prevention tips and safety tips for a winter storm, earthquake or tornado

Text PREPARE to 43362 (4FEMA) to receive monthly preparedness tips via text message

Flood risks and flood insurance

Are you a disaster survivor?

3 Step Guide for Assistance
- Apply Online or at
- Call (800) 621-3362 / TTY (800) 462-7585

State Disaster pages: Vermont, Texas, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, & Pennsylvania

Report disaster fraud / Recovery tips

Find a Disaster Recovery Center to speak with a FEMA representative in person

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Blog: A Long Overdue Policy Change to Recognize the Sovereignty of Tribal Governments

National Preparedness System Description of Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD 8).
Announcement from Admin. Fugate

National Disaster Recovery Framework

In the News: Experts Discuss How to Make Emergency Planning Fully Inclusive

The FEMA Think Tank

Prepare For Severe Winter Weather Now

Severe winter weather can cause many types of emergencies. Make sure you are ready for any type of disaster and prepare now. Visit for tips on preparing you home and family this winter. (Embed | Download | Transcripts | more videos)