Millions of shoppers can’t wait to see what you have in store

Open your Etsy shop

Join a creative marketplace where 24 million buyers around the world spent more than $2.3 billion last year

Low fees

It doesn’t take much to list your items and once you make a sale, Etsy’s transaction fee is just 3.5%.

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Powerful tools

Our tools and services make it easy to manage, promote and grow your business.

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Support and Education

Reach out to Etsy Support specialists for help anytime and learn how to sell successfully with our Seller Handbook.

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Start selling today

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Affordable, transparent, and secure

No monthly fees

Secure transactions

Automatic deposits

Seller protection

Start selling for next to nothing.


Listing Fee

Listings are active for four months or until they sell. Once purchased, there is a small commission fee and a standard payment processing fee.

3.5 %

Transaction Fee

3 % + $0.25

Payment Processing

We process payments with Direct Checkout, our secure SSL-encrypted payments platform, and have security specialists and fraud detection systems to protect you and your buyers 24/7.

Listing fees are billed for 0.20 USD, so if your bank's currency is not USD, the amount in your currency may vary based on changes in the exchange rate. Payment processing fees above are United States rates. Fees vary by bank country, so rates may differ depending on the location of your bank.

Simple, powerful tools

Spend less time managing your shop and more time on the fun stuff.

Manage your business anywhere

Use the Sell on Etsy App to manage orders, edit listings, and respond to buyers instantly, from anywhere.

Improve your views

Attract more buyers on Etsy and beyond with Promoted Listings and free social media tools.

Save big on shipping

Buy and print discounted postage for your orders in seconds, right from your Etsy account.

New order from Joan

Shop Stats
  • 67 Favorites
  • 25 Orders

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My Custom Site
  • Fashion
  • Home decor
  • Accessories
  • Craft supplies

Bring your business to new audiences

Expand your brand into new sales channels, while managing it all from one place.

Create your own website in minutes

Pattern lets you design a custom website that's powered by your Etsy shop.

Learn more Sell wholesale

Reach a world of retailers who want to stock their shelves with your items.

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Help when you need it

We’re committed to helping our 1.6 million sellers thrive, with support and education for shops big and small.

Talk to us

Reach our support staff by email or request a phone call whenever you have a question.

Tips for success

Learn best practices for your business with our always-updating Seller Handbook.

Seller newsletters

Sign up for the Etsy Success newsletter for insights about improving your shop delivered straight to your inbox.

Get advice

Ask questions and find a community of sellers like you in Etsy’s forums and Teams.

Seller Stories

We think Etsy is pretty great but don’t take our word for it. Hear stories from our sellers about how Etsy has made a difference for them.
Photo of Erin from Yellow House Handmade

Etsy has been an integral part of my growth from hobbyist to full-time screenprinter and business owner. My designs would not have fallen into so many hands without Etsy’s wide reach.

Etsy no doubt played a part in our growth and success… even though we sell in multiple venues, we still find that Etsy is one of our best sources for finding new customers.

Photo of Erika and Jessica from Violette Field Threads
Photo of Dan from Dan Cordero

Thanks to Etsy, my small hobby has exploded into a multi-faceted line of original creations with clients around the world.

Dan from Dan Cordero

What can you sell on Etsy?

Handmade Goods


(20 years or older)

Craft Supplies

Etsy is a marketplace where millions of people around the world connect to make, sell, and buy unique goods. You can sell handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies on Etsy. Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about selling on Etsy.

How do fees work on Etsy?

Joining and starting a shop on Etsy is free. There are three basic selling fees: a listing fee, a transaction fee, and a payment processing fee.

It costs $0.20 to publish a listing to the marketplace. A listing lasts for four months or until the item is sold. Once an item sells, there is a 3.5% transaction fee on the sale price (not including shipping costs). If you accept payments through Etsy’s Direct Checkout payment system, we also collect a 3% + $0.25 payment processing fee when an item is sold.

Listing fees are billed for $0.20 USD, so if your bank's currency is not USD, the amount may differ based on changes in the exchange rate. The payment processing fee may also vary by bank country.

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What do I need to do to create a shop?

It's easy to set up a shop on Etsy. Create an Etsy account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Etsy fees).

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How do I get paid?

With Direct Checkout, our easy-to-use and secure payment system, you may accept payments from a wide variety of payment methods including credit and debit cards, PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Etsy Gift Cards. Funds from your sales are deposited directly to your bank account in your currency, no matter how or from where the buyer pays.

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How does Etsy protect sellers?

Seller Protection is a program that offers you peace of mind in the event of a transaction dispute. If you are unable to resolve a disagreement with a buyer and the transaction meets eligibility requirements, Etsy will help you resolve the issue through our dispute resolution system.

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What can I sell on Etsy?

Etsy provides a marketplace for crafters, artists and collectors to sell their handmade creations, vintage goods (at least 20 years old), and both handmade and non-handmade crafting supplies.

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Want more information? Here are some resources to help you get started.

Still have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

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